wary of the power of the Watson family in Auckland. If they really want to seize the Netherworld Iron Mine, let alone the Gilded Rose, even a sage High towers can be stressful.

wary of the power of the Watson family in Auckland. If they really want to seize the Netherworld Iron Mine, let alone the Gilded Rose, even a sage High towers can be stressful.
“You mean, Raven Watson might bring someone else?”
“Okay, now let’s guess who Raven Watson will bring.” Lin Yun thought for a moment , simply called William Merlin aside and sat down: “I think the most likely ones are the two magicians. I don’t need to say this. I will deal with them.”
“Yes.” William Merlin nodded
. An archmage wants to kill two magicians. This sounds a little weird, but think about it again. This archmage is not an ordinary archmage. He just grabbed a man in the hall of gilded roses. The ninth-level archmage is like catching a chicken. Thinking about it this way, it doesn’t seem very weird.
“Of course, it is not ruled out that the Watson family is more determined and just asks Raven Watson to come over with a large team of people.”
“That’s right. “Yes. ”
“That’s easier.”
“Huh?” William Merlin was stunned. Why would it be easier to bring a large group of people here? Isn’t a large group of people more difficult to deal with than two magicians?
“Think about it, if Raven Watson brings a large group of people over, what will the forces in Thousand Sails City think? I don’t even need to take action by then, and those forces will deal with them ruthlessly.”
“That’s true.” William Merlin After thinking about it, I felt that this was also the case, but soon I thought of a very scary possibility: “But what if”
“Are you trying to say what if a titled wizard comes to the Watson family?”
” ” Yes, yes.”
/“This is easier than Watson bringing a large group of people.”
“The titled wizards of the Watson family are here, what do the Merlin family do?”
William Merlin was immediately surprised when he heard this. Got it
. Yeah, what does the Merlin family do for food?
You know, the two families have been fighting for more than a thousand years. Although they still maintain a fragile balance on the surface, in fact, they have already reached a situation where they will fight to the death. If the Watson family dares to send out the titled magician, then Merlin The family dares to destroy the Watson family.
This is almost certain .
/When the two major families are entangled, if they dare to let the strongest combat force dare to leave the main battlefield, it is simply taking off their pants and waiting for someone to rape them.
In fact, this is a common problem of almost all forces.
This is true for the Watson family, this is true for the Tower of Ashes, and the same is true for the Black Tower.
Opposite every powerful force, there is an equally powerful opponent.
They check and balance each other, which is why we have the current situation. If one force had no opponents, it would probably have unified the world of Northrend long ago.
Of course, if you can destroy the Gilded Rose with just a few clicks and take possession of the Netherworld Iron Ore vein, then no force will be willi

ed for Raphael before. The biggest limitation is that the sudden strong acceleration will produce huge pressure, except for the sky. Except for powerful people, even titled magicians may not be able to withstand that kind of pressure.

ed for Raphael before. The biggest limitation is that the sudden strong acceleration will produce huge pressure, except for the sky. Except for powerful people, even titled magicians may not be able to withstand that kind of pressure.
Moreover, when flying, the speed is too fast. If there is any obstacle outside, there is no way to stop or dodge in a short time. Even if it is turned off, the floating shuttle will still rush up at the original speed.
But with the space solidification array, this problem will not occur. No matter how the platform is, people standing on it will not feel the huge pressure at all, because it is the space itself that is moving. , and people inside the space will not feel the huge pressure from the outside.
If there wasn’t such a magic circle, at least half of the people here would be thrown out the moment the platform accelerated.
And at such a fast speed, if there is no space to solidify the magic circle, it may take a long distance to stop again, and it will also produce a huge pressure again, at least dozens of times the gravity will act on the standing person. On the people on the platform.
A mage below the heaven level might be suppressed to death by this surge of pressure in an instant.
/After a minute, the surrounding light that was thrown backwards instantly dissipated, and the platform appeared at the entrance of a huge underground square. From the rapid It only takes a moment to reach extreme silence.
But the people standing on the platform didn’t feel any pressure, and they didn’t even feel how to shuttle, they were already there.
But Lin Yun knew that even if the passage was tilted, they were at least three thousand meters underground now!
And this is the contribution of the alchemy circle on that platform. In the future, the magic battleship, the first weapon in the world of Northrend to conquer the endless planes, even the lowest level magic battleship, must have these two alchemy circles. .
/After all, when conquering a plane, it is impossible to only have heaven-level experts. Almost most of the time, it is people below the heaven level who complete the conquest, and many times, speed is the biggest limit.
If any problem is discovered, it will take a month to arrive, and the conquest will be impossible to complete. With these two alchemical formations, the speed of the magic battleship only needs to consider the strength of the magic battleship itself, and No need to think about other things.
As long as the mana battleship itself is strong enough, it can even accelerate forever.
None of the other creators seemed to have noticed the magic circle on this platform, and even if they did, they didn’t know what the alchemical magic circle represented.
Their eyes have been drawn to the huge underground square in front of them. It is
a huge square. The ceiling and the ground are all like silver mirrors. They are all made of metal materials. There are no gaps at all. It looks like A whole.
There are various alchemy puppets and alchemy machines wandering

pies the capital of the Third Dynasty, is the strongest. Not only did they inherit the legacy of the Third Dynasty, but they also occupy a territory with the richest resources in the world of Northrend. In addition, the eastern border is close to The ocean and coastline are very long, and the resources of the endless sea can also be obtained, so it naturally becomes the strongest country.

pies the capital of the Third Dynasty, is the strongest. Not only did they inherit the legacy of the Third Dynasty, but they also occupy a territory with the richest resources in the world of Northrend. In addition, the eastern border is close to The ocean and coastline are very long, and the resources of the endless sea can also be obtained, so it naturally becomes the strongest country.
After the three kingdoms restrained each other, the war in the world of Northrend ended. However, this was only an apparent end. What followed was a long Cold War, and various battles still did not stop.
One of the most important battles was over the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty.
All the kingdoms on the continent are doing their best to hunt down the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty. At that time, if an amazing talent appeared among the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty, maybe they could once again set off a revolution that permeated the entire world. war.
At that time, many old forces still felt that the Third Dynasty was very good, because only in that era could their interests be guaranteed.
However, hundreds of years of continuous war have caused many weaker forces to rise. Naturally, they do not want to see the restoration of the Third Dynasty, and their pursuit of the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty has never stopped.
Many years later, most of the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty were hunted down, and the last descendant was discovered by the Kingdom of Odin, and was a direct descendant of the royal family of the Third Dynasty.
Although the situation on the mainland had stabilized at that time and the reshuffle had ended, the overt and covert conflicts had not yet calmed down. Even the most powerful Kingdom of Odin could not calm down such disputes and conflicts so quickly.
So the word “justifiable” was mentioned. The Kingdom of Odin released news that it was preparing to accept the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty. Of course, everyone knows what happened to take off their pants and fart. They wanted to use the royal descendants of the Third Dynasty. In the name of protecting one’s own rule and mediating the conflicts between the old and new forces, it is a very critical piece of chess.
It’s a pity that the descendants of the Third Dynasty are not so gullible. After being hunted for so many years, they no longer dare to believe in the three kingdoms. Even the magicians no longer dare to believe.
But now they have been forced to a dead end, and there is no way to escape anymore.
/Therefore, the captain of the guard who took care of the direct descendant of the royal family made a decision at the last moment to pretend that his youngest son, who was the same age as the direct descendant of the royal family, was a direct descendant of the royal family.
After several months of fleeing, they were finally caught. The youngest son of the captain of the guard was naturally taken away as a direct descendant of the royal family of the Third Dynasty.
The Kingdom of Odin als


When I was in the puppet plane, when I faced the forty-sixth level alchemy puppet for the first time, the talent rune that big guy had was critical hit. It was so powerful that as long as it hit Lin Yun once, Lin Yun would definitely die. However, In the end, after a whole day of hard fighting, Lin Yun was not killed because all the opponent’s attacks were useless.
The alchemy puppets fought according to the guidance of the combat system. Even if the heaven-level alchemy puppets awakened their wisdom, during the battle It will also focus on the assistance of the combat system. The higher the level of the alchemy puppet, the less dependent it is on the assistance of the combat system.
/But this situation makes it easy for the alchemy puppet to deduce its next actions, especially for a guy like Lin Yun who has a magic array and a wheel of magic, even if the alchemy puppet is two levels higher than him, It can be killed, and those who are three levels higher can also escape.
If he were a real heaven-level mage, Lin Yun would have died countless times.
Pabet’s upgrade has been completed, and the seal of the memory system has become loose again. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know how long it will be until Pabet undoes the seal. According to the current situation, The trend is that the seal will not be unlocked until Papet reaches level 47 or 8 at least.
After upgrading Pabet, Lin Yun continued to study black matter. Agallon did not say what this black matter was, but he did say where it came from.
Thinking of the ancient starry sky road of the Merlin family, Lin Yun had the idea of ??setting foot on that ancient starry sky road, but it was just an idea.
Agalon does not recommend going to the starry sky battlefield now. Last time, on the ancient starry sky road, he also felt that there were incredibly strong people fighting in the depths of the ancient starry sky road, and he even saw a star following it. Destruction:
That kind of battle, if you just take a look at it from the outermost periphery that can be observed, you will be torn into pieces by the fluctuations of the battle in an instant.
Although he was curious, Lin Yun had no intention of risking his own death by going to the starry sky battlefield. There would be so many powerful beings in the future, and there were hundreds of recorded strong beings who could be named. All of them disappeared completely after going to the endless void. I
continued to study black matter, but still had no clue. I used a variety of methods, but could not figure out what this black matter is, what is the principle of swallowing magic power, and where does the swallowed magic power go.
Let a piece of black material the size of a fist swallow a level 39 magic crystal. There is still no special change in the black material. Let it swallow a bottle of magic water again, and there is still no big change.
You know, a bottle of magic water still hasn’t changed much. Water is definitely enough for Lin Yun to completely restore the magic power in his body. The magi

of entering the underground world is definitely different from those of those people, but it is also easy to be exposed. After all, the place of entry is near the original passage. Only after entering the underground can you enter the underground world.

of entering the underground world is definitely different from those of those people, but it is also easy to be exposed. After all, the place of entry is near the original passage. Only after entering the underground can you enter the underground world.
“Pay attention to those three small families without risking discovery. As long as you find out who the three big forces are coming from, Whoever has the strength will do. If they have any movements, please report to me as soon as possible.”
After giving the order to the supporting members of the Crown of Thorns, Lin Yun took the mage army back to the natural demiplane, leaving only Xiuban and Lei. Na followed him, and the few of them stayed in the arranged manor and waited quietly. Information from outside was constantly reported back.
On the third day, people from the three factions began to move out. Although it was very secretive, the people from the Crown of Thorns still discovered the clues. And unexpectedly, the people from the three factions all set off on the same day, heading in the direction It’s all the same. Unsurprisingly, it’s in the direction of the destroyed passage.
After Lin Yun got the news, he couldn’t help but murmur in his heart.
How can people from these three forces cooperate?
Most of the Chester family’s combat power relies on Warcraft. Their own strength is considered to be very average among ordinary mages. In the eyes of the Holy Light Alliance, they are not the same type.
The territory of the Tower of Storm is quite close to the territory of the Holy Light Alliance, but the relationship is notoriously bad. In order to expand the scope of influence, the crazy dogs of the Holy Light Alliance have often had frictions with the Storm Tower. It seems that there have been some before. There was a serious war.
It’s easier to say that the Chester family and the Storm Alliance have the possibility to cooperate with anyone as long as there is a benefit. But how could those crazy dogs from the Holy Light Alliance agree to cooperate with these two forces?
Lin Yun thought about it for a long time and
still couldn’t figure it out. Whether it was in his impression or in the information obtained by Gilded Rose and the information obtained by Crown of Thorns, all the labels on the Holy Light Alliance were mad dogs. If he couldn’t figure it out, Lin Yun could only wait. I followed him after a few days.
Standing on the mountainside of a mountain, looking at a group of people moving in the distance, Lin Yun immediately understood that the other party had found a specific location. From here, he found some caves leading to the underground, and found a way to enter the underground world underground. Once you get to the point, it’s much easier.
A group of titled magicians and several Heavenly Orders were searching meter by meter using a special detection magic weapon. There were also a few people standing nearby, waiting quietly.
/One of the mage is wearing a white robe with light golden patterns. His hair is all pure white. He looks un

vine lights coming from it.

vine lights coming from it.
The mystery contained in this innate and immortal divine prohibition is related to creation.
It seems to be able to turn decay into magic.
Turn destruction into good fortune!
If the numerous mysteries of chaotic creation contained in it are fully comprehended, Zhang Jian is completely confident that the three-turn root Tao method of mediating creation will reach a higher level, and even break through to the realm of Tao.
The true form of Emperor Guangsheng appeared on the side of the river mouth, with a strong look of shock deep in his eyes.
The dozens of Chaos Evil Eyes who were good at eye skills were slaughtered by Zhang Jian in just a few breaths.
/This scene is truly terrifying.
The spiritual sense and eye skills of these chaotic evil eyes are no small matter.
Once they notice anything strange, they will immediately change their forms, and can even form the true form of the Thousand-Eyed Demon God together.
/But this time they didn’t have time to take advantage of their spiritual senses and eye skills, and they couldn’t even sense the Earth Emperor’s approach.
Emperor Guangsheng saw with his own eyes that the Emperor of Earth was approaching many evil eyes of chaos with his big thorns, and then he directly drew his sword and wiped out the life of many evil eyes of chaos.
Feeling the promotion of Xiantian Qinglian, Zhang Jian had a slight smile deep in his eyes.
Innate Qinglian has been promoted to the top innate spiritual treasure.
This is really a happy event.
And the most rare thing is that this innate green lotus has not bloomed yet.
If the bud deep in the core fully blooms, doesn’t it mean that the innate green lotus has a glimmer of hope to restore the mystery of the chaotic green lotus.
Of course, Zhang Jian also knew that the ‘chaos creatures’ that needed to be consumed must be massive.
Even if the Ling Kong Mother Goddess is bald, she may not be able to achieve it.
But for him, it is better to take a good look at the Lingkong Mother Goddess before talking about it.
As many evil eyes of chaos were smelted, Zhang Jian gradually dispersed from the Emperor’s Furnace.
At this time, several special pieces of chaotic divine materials emerged from the depths of his palm.
These were the remnants of the corpses of several Chaos Evil Eyes with outstanding Taoism. Sensing the difference in these Chaos Divine Materials, Zhang Jian kept them.
“It seems to be the Tear Demon Stone!”
Emperor Guangsheng’s sharp eyes saw those dark stones with strange gray lines, and he felt a little envious in his eyes.
The Tear Demon Stone is a kind of chaotic divine material. Only the powerful Evil Eye of Chaos who has been promoted to the Taoist level can crystallize the origin and give birth to this Tear Demon Stone by chance.
This tear magic stone is the supreme divine material for refining the fairy treasure with detection properties.
It can also be used to assist in the practice of celestial eye and divine eye techniques.
However, this group of chaoti

oud Tower, it is also known as the two major magic forces in the kingdom. Although these are all titled magicians, the ones who can really offend Heron are “Master Merlin, I wo

oud Tower, it is also known as the two major magic forces in the kingdom. Although these are all titled magicians, the ones who can really offend Heron are “Master Merlin, I wo
n’t say more. I can add one more condition to the previous condition.”
“Within three years, the Black Tower will be responsible for helping you clear that plane. You and your gilded rose, just wait to receive that plane.” As soon as
Heron said these words, there was another sound of inhalation in the banquet hall.
Heron’s price this time can really be described as crazy.
He provided the coordinates and covered the cost of opening up the road to the plane. This is not included. Now he has added another one. Purple Fire will help clear the entire plane within three years. This is equivalent to cleaning and packaging a plane before delivering it to Lin Yun.
That’s an entire plane.
This is Heron’s great strength.
He doesn’t hesitate when it’s time to give up, and he doesn’t hesitate to spend money when it’s time to invest.
Yes, Heron did think about using this young archmage to undermine Joey’s prestige at first, but when Heron discovered that Kev was actually a pig-like teammate, Heron didn’t even think about it. , he simply gave up on Cave, and at the same time, he quickly changed his face and talked about the deal with Lin Yun enthusiastically, as if he had completely forgotten everything before.
Now he even took out an entire plane in exchange for a set of Lin Yun’s unique meditation rules.
Because Heron knows that this set of meditation rules is so critical.
Even though it is only eight formulas now, it seems to be not much different from the core meditation rules of the two major mage forces. However, forces like the Black Tower and the Cloud Tower are bound to They have a strong research team. After they get the supplement of this set of meditation rules, they can push their core meditation rules to nine or even ten formulas.
Once such a meditation law is possessed, the death strength of the two great mage forces will immediately increase by leaps and bounds.
/This is a life-and-death struggle for the two great mage forces.
No matter it is the Black Tower or the Cloud Tower, it is impossible for the other party to have exclusive use of this set of meditation rules. There may not be anything at the beginning, but after decades or hundreds of years, the other party’s research team begins to make efforts to use this set of meditation rules. After completing the supplement and pushing the core meditation rules to nine or even ten formulas, it was too late to find
a set of powerful enough meditation rules. Not only could it train new mages more quickly and efficiently, but it could also improve The combat effectiveness of the entire force. In many cases, judging whether a mage force has sufficient development potential depends on whether the mage force has a set of powerful enough meditation rules.
Now that the Cloud Tower has obtained a set of meditation rules, the Black Tower must not return empty-hande

the foundation building.

the foundation building.
For so many years, he has been stuck in the Qi training layer, unable to make any progress. Unexpectedly, he really broke through, but he improved with the help of the power of Youfu.
“It’s a pity that it wasn’t my own strength that broke the bottleneck, so I didn’t dare to be the core.”
After a moment of emotion, he calmed down and focused on the white lotus on the back of his head.
The white lotus has forty-nine petals, each petal has a small hollow, and the edges of each hollow have jagged patterns of different shapes. The lotus stamens also shine with a faint rainbow-like brilliance, with varying light and shade.
The more he looked at the lotus, the more familiar it seemed. It seems that I have seen the record somewhere, but I can’t remember it for a while.
Read again the Dafa scriptures that have been engraved in my mind. As expected, there is a mention in the record of this lotus flower in Suzuyin Dafa.
“The way of heaven is clear, and the flower is shaped like a lotus.”
Seeing this sentence, Lin Xin immediately remembered the ancient records about this lotus.
“It’s actually a dharma lotus descended from heaven!!!” For the first time, a hint of surprise appeared on his face. Even if Guiyuan Jue entered the foundation building, he would not be so happy.
“The Heavenly Dharma Lotus, also known as the Heavenly Dharma Lotus, is a special creation that can only be condensed after reaching a certain level in accordance with the laws and regulations of the heaven, earth and universe. Its purpose is unknown, but it only appears in ancient mythological records. It has long been None of the monks were seen again.”
/Lin Xin also didn’t expect that he could actually see such a mysterious treasure that only existed in myths.
This is a secret treasure of heaven that can only be condensed when the heavenly Buddha in mythology teaches the Dharma.
Surprised, he also began to think about what the main purpose of this thing was.
The secret treasure of heaven sounds very powerful, but it must be used in practice to produce benefits.
Lin Xin looked through the records of Lingyin Dafa again, and immediately discovered that there were more records about Falian in the subsequent content.
He read it through and somewhat understood the origin of this lotus.
“The first level of the Suzuyin Dafa, the spiritual realm, can condense three dharma lotuses. It can be used to evolve and forcibly push a completed Taoist technique to a higher level. It can also be used to use its evolution rules when encountering bottlenecks. , comprehend the true nature, and greatly increase the probability of breaking through the realm. ”
This is the effect of the first level of spiritual realm, and the other subsequent realms are unknown.
But just seeing this, Lin Xin couldn’t help but sigh.
“It is worthy of being the only magic weapon. Although there are only three levels in total, the first level alone is worthy of being the top and only magic weapon!”
“It just happened that Jiuchenqu broke throu

!?” Xiao Jade Fox’s face turned a little pale. While she was waiting just now, she saw streams of flames suddenly exploding on the snowy peaks below, as well as huge black-haired arms condensing. This kind of magical power has been far beyond The realm she belongs to.

!?” Xiao Jade Fox’s face turned a little pale. While she was waiting just now, she saw streams of flames suddenly exploding on the snowy peaks below, as well as huge black-haired arms condensing. This kind of magical power has been far beyond The realm she belongs to.
At this time, she saw that the owner who came out was still acting abnormally, as if he had been severely injured, and she suddenly felt anxious.
This guy has never been out of the Jade Fox clan, and has been practicing hard in a closed door. He finally found a master who didn’t care about her. Although he signed a contract, he still didn’t do anything bad to her. This is a very good opportunity among the Jade Fox clan.
If an accident happened in such a short time, then
/“I’m fine.” Lin Xin answered with some voice. “Pay attention to the surrounding area. Let’s find a more secluded place. I need to retreat.”
The black stream of light from the two people quickly shot towards the distance.
Lin Xin understood clearly in his heart that if there was only a small friction with the Red Ridge Sect before and the other party didn’t know his identity, then this time it was a real feud.
Asking about the top-level masters, he just killed one of them. This level is equivalent to Hua Shenxi of Nanfu. A real person of this level is the backbone of any sect and can go out and establish a sect.
Although the two sides were originally hostile camps, now that he was alone and freed from the surveillance of the Yuan Dou Demon Sect, he naturally had no corresponding protection.
Streamers of light and meteors generally pass through the large snow-capped mountains. The temperature below gradually calms down, and green and yellow woodland gradually begins to appear on the ground.
The two quickly found a forest of yellow maple leaves to fall into.
Lin Hai obviously owned the land. As soon as he landed, he felt a powerful demonic aura rushing towards the two of them. But when the aura approached within a thousand meters, it paused momentarily, and felt the aura here carefully, and then fled away into the distance much faster than before.
Apparently he was frightened by Lin Xin’s aura.
“Cough cough” Lin Xin coughed violently, his face still half black and half red.
What he coughed out was not phlegm, but handfuls of black sand, dry sand without any moisture.
The black sand fell to the ground and began to crawl around him, like countless black insects.
As more and more black sand coughed out, Lin Xin was gradually completely surrounded by sand.
Soon, the sand began to crawl up Lin Xin’s clothes. In just a few seconds, Lin Xin’s whole body was completely covered in black sand, and the thickness of the black sand continued to increase. It is getting thicker and thicker, getting closer and closer to a huge oval shape.
Xiaoyuhu Liucheng could only stare and worry at the side.
“Protect me for thirty days.” Lin Xin’s voice came out and penetrated into her ears alone.
/Xiao Yuhu finally breathed a sigh of relief, took out the array plate that

how terrifying the three alchemy puppets are.

how terrifying the three alchemy puppets are.
There are even rumors Said that Vaughn actually knew nothing about puppet alchemy, but those three alchemy puppets helped him form a powerful alchemy puppet army.
Anyway, there are many legends
. However, one thing is certain. Vaughn holds a group of alchemy puppets with amazing combat power. At this time, the ones who are shooting wildly with magic rays are probably some of them.
I thought of this. , Suas’s hands holding the staff suddenly became a little sweaty. Vaughn’s alchemy puppet was very famous at the end of the entire Third Dynasty. The difficulty of this battle is probably still high. In his imagination,
Suas tightened the staff in his hand and began to release the wizard’s eyes, one, two, three, dozens of wizard’s eyes were released, and they were shot by criss-crossing magic rays. , the survival rate of these wizard eyes is astonishingly low. Dozens of wizard eyes were released, but only one survived.
Moreover, even this only one just flew out of the bushes. It has been swept away by a frost ray.
However, this is enough for Suas.
There are three alchemy puppets in total. Each one is based on a shadow wolf. It is extremely fast, even better than a real shadow wolf. It has at least two kinds of magic rays solidified on its body, driven by a powerful alchemy array system. , each attack can reach the power of at least a sixth-level spell, and the attack frequency is extremely high, far exceeding that of ordinary magicians.
“Six alchemy puppets, shadow wolf prototype, very fast.” Suas reported the situation to Lin Yun and Saruman while thinking about how to deal with it. This is a battle
with these three alchemy puppets
that will never be easy. , each one has solidified at least two kinds of magic rays, and the alchemy array system is very powerful, and the attack frequency is so high that there is almost no interruption. Even if you use the elemental shield, you can withstand this kind of attack for at most ten seconds. After ten seconds, you have to fight against the magic ray with your body.
That is the power of at least a level 6 spell.
Except for those heaven-level experts who have entered the extraordinary realm, who can fight with the body against such a powerful spell?
But if you don’t get there, it won’t work
. If you continue to hide, sooner or later the three alchemy puppets will make dumplings. When a volley comes down, let alone ten seconds, even three seconds may not be enough to withstand it.
The only way now is to take advantage of it. The three alchemy puppets have not yet formed an encirclement, and they use the cover of others to conduct a forced assault. As long as one of the alchemy puppets can be paralyzed, the situation can really open up.
However, whoever attacks and takes
cover can only provide temporary cover. Once the three alchemy puppets pull out and fire a volley, it will be a narrow escape.
Suas looked at the other three people.
/Although Saruman was a ninth-level magician, he was injured and co