whether it could return or not depends on luck. You may not know yet. Just to be with you.” Keep the call, my unit has lost more than ten early warning aircraft…”

whether it could return or not depends on luck. You may not know yet. Just to be with you.” Keep the call, my unit has lost more than ten early warning aircraft…”
“I’m sorry, General, but I also saved you the loss of hundreds of aircraft, didn’t I, General?” Zhang Lisheng was silent for a while, interrupting the department La’s words, “Since you don’t know the situation yet, let me tell you that the Kamandor people escaped and they were driven out of the Sea Shrimp B1 Island by ‘Tudenan’. You should fulfill your obligations now.” Promise, Your Excellency.”
“The C1 tribe drove the B1 tribe out of the ‘Sea Shrimp B1 Island’. Where did they drive them to? Coral was stunned for a while and asked, “Then I don’t know. The wooden boats of these natives are very strong and can float thousands or even tens of thousands of sea miles. Who knows where they will dock. I can only guarantee that they will arrive in your lifetime.” It is absolutely impossible to see these cruel barbarians, and they have paid a sufficient price for attacking the ‘human gathering place’. According to the legends of the natives on the island, tribes fleeing across the island often kill or injure at least half of their tribesmen.”
” Oh, of course,
“It’s okay, Mr. Zhang, I just want to know what happened to the king of the distant mountain who killed one hundred and fifty-seven of my soldiers.”
/“He is the leader of ‘Kamando’, and of course he escaped. , but he was seriously injured. In fact, seven of the eight ‘organs’ he used to drill holes to eat people were torn out. Maybe he is dead in the sea now. Zhang Lisheng said nonchalantly, “Well, as soon as I see those seven ‘monster organs’ that devour my warriors, I will immediately send twelve steamships to the native tribe.” Obviously in Cora’s mind, The king of the distant mountains killed more than a hundred soldiers under his leadership, which is even more regrettable than the attack on the ‘human gathering place’ that caused tens of thousands of casualties. “Oh, that’s really good, General” ”
This It’s nothing, I just keep my promise,” Cora said through the communicator: “Also, Mr. Zhang, can you arrange for the leader of the C1 tribe to meet with me, whether he comes to the ‘human gathering place’ or I go Is it okay for the native tribes?”
“Sorry general, I’m afraid I can’t do this. According to the tradition of the natives, the leader who really determines the fate of the tribe will not meet strangers casually. I know what you are worried about, Don’t worry, Your Excellency, from today on, the natives on the ‘Ocean Shrimp Island B1’ will never hurt the people on earth casually. Of course, the people on earth must also learn to treat these natives with an equal attitude. As for communication, if ‘human gathering place’ ‘If it will still be open to the natives…”
“It is impossible for the gathering place to be opened to the natives in the short term, Mr. Zhang.” Cora interjected decisively, “I also think that will be the case,” Zhang Lisheng said with a smile: “In that case Then I