Archives April 2024

n’t like water very much, and his strength would indeed be affected to a certain extent in the water, the person in front of him was not qualified to let him, Sun Xingzhe, hide. Therefore, Sun Xingzhe was submerged by a large amount of water. The powerful impact force of the water flow continuously acted on Sun Xingzhe. It really pushed Sun Wukong back a few steps.

n’t like water very much, and his strength would indeed be affected to a certain extent in the water, the person in front of him was not qualified to let him, Sun Xingzhe, hide. Therefore, Sun Xingzhe was submerged by a large amount of water. The powerful impact force of the water flow continuously acted on Sun Xingzhe. It really pushed Sun Wukong back a few steps.
But that’s all.
/If anyone is in the back mountain at this time, they will see that the water in the back mountain lake is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Who knows what Victor transformed Beiyuan Villa into in order to deal with Jade War God or Sun Wukong.
Due to the influx of large amounts of water, the front square of Beiyuan Villa was suddenly flooded into a small lake.
At this time, Anli’s voice came, “BOSS, the creation of the ‘Dawn Watcher’ has been completed. And it has arrived at the predetermined location.” Victor heard this, and his heart was excited, “Okay! Let us see, the legendary red How powerful is the ‘Student Terminator’?” After saying that, Victor even more frantically pumped a large amount of water out of the ground.
The reason why he drew out so much water was that he was trying to attack Sun Wukong, and the large amount of water causing a big movement could interfere with Sun Wukong’s perception and cover up the movement underground. Finally, this was also for Victor’s next move. Preparation Victor felt that if Sun Wukong could survive the joint bombardment by him and Anli, then his death would be worth it.
Looking at the waves that had reached his knees, Sun Xingzhe frowned and suddenly felt a bad feeling!
At this moment, a faint red light suddenly appeared in the water that was originally blue and white. The next moment, Sun Xingzhe let out a weird cry. He felt that his feet that were submerged in the water were grabbed by two big hands. He quickly flew high into the sky, but he failed! ? The two hands holding him under his feet were surprisingly tenacious and kept pulling, making Sun Xingzhe feel like he was stepping into a mire.
Got hit!
Sun Xingzhe was so angry that people were trapped in this small place. For Sun Xingzhe, it was like being angry and laughing at the same time, which was very unpleasant.
Sun Xingzhe, who was very unhappy, grabbed the Ruyi Stick in his hand and inserted the stick into the ground. No matter who it is, Sun Xingzhe believes that if this stick is stabbed, he will definitely die. This is indeed the case under normal circumstances, and the guy who caught Sun Xingzhe is indeed dead. But as the “Red Dawn” magic circle injected a new energy, the “Dawn Monster” came back to life. Therefore, Sun Wukong just felt that the sticky power under his feet disappeared and suddenly reappeared.
This time, it not only grabbed Sun Walker’s feet, but also started to climb up along Sun Wukong’s feet. And this time, Sun Xingzhe could feel that it was not just one pair of hands that grabbed him, but countless pairs of hands, large and small.
“I am so angry!” Sun Xingzhe roared angrily, a


“Trouble! It would be great if Brother Niu and Sister-in-law Iron Fan were here.” At this moment, Red Scorpion didn’t have time to smile playfully. Tie Gongji said: “Far water cannot quench the near thirst. Before the words “quasi” and “preparation” were uttered, nine cold lights suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.
Zhu Ganghe took action without even saying hello!
The red scorpion and the iron cock jumped forward, separated to the left and right, and sandwiched the piggang hyena in the middle.
For now, we can only fight!
“Second brother, contact seventh brother and eighth sister quickly!” Chi Xiezi shouted. Then the scorpion’s tail went straight towards the pig hyena. The Iron Rooster’s cloak flickered, and countless colorful feathers flew out.
In the darkness, Yin Kuang said: “Now, we just need to wait for the results. However, we must also be prepared for battle. Everyone, if you don’t want to die, cheer up and use all your trump cards!”
“Is this all that a powerful blow can do?” Li Shuangmu couldn’t help but smile bitterly.
A bolt of lightning struck from the dark clouds, illuminating the dark night.
In the pouring rain, the figures of three demons were entangled together. The three demons sometimes go to heaven and sometimes go to earth. The sound of “ding-ding-ding” metal colliding is endless. The energy is raging and the magic power is everywhere. Even the rain all over the sky cannot fall into the battle circle of the three demons. The surrounding environment was constantly being damaged, and there were endless “bang bang bang” sounds. There are many large and small holes left on the ground and on the mountains.
Yin Kuang and others have changed their hiding place. Because the previous hiding place had been razed to the ground by Zhugang Hyena.
The new hiding place is in a dense forest a little far away from the battle circle. At this time, everyone looked at the three monsters fighting together in stunned silence. Needless to say, they were probably shocked by the strength of Zhu Ganghye and the other two monsters.
“If I were to go up there, I’d be dead if I couldn’t sustain even two or three moves.” Hong Zhong sighed dejectedly. Wei Xing next to him said: “They are almost the same. The age of any one of them is several times older than all of us combined.”
Wang Ning quietly came to Yin Kuang’s side and said: “The surname is Yin. What are you going to do next?” Yin Kuang said: “No plan.” Wang Ning said: “What?” The others also looked at him. Yin Kuang pointed at Zhu Ganghe and the others and said: “All the goals that the strategy can achieve have been achieved. And then, in the face of absolute power, the so-called strategy will be in vain. That’s why I said before, use all the Press the bottom of the box and prepare to fight!”
Qi Xiaoyun said: “It might be easier if we follow Chen Xuanzang.” Yin Kuang shook his head and said: “Don’t be too greedy. Chen Xuanzang’s children’s songs have already increased our strength by half. And 50 points Our luck is no joke. The

oisy. Manya, you will be responsible for watching over me when I’m not here.” A thin young man stood up, held his head high and said, “I obey, BOSS!” Victor looked towards Nina narrowed her eyes slightly and said: “Nina, since I, Victor, have chosen to cooperate, I will stick to it. I hope you will not do anything that is not conducive to cooperation between the two parties. Otherwise, you should know better than me about the survival of colleges and universities. Is there a way?”

oisy. Manya, you will be responsible for watching over me when I’m not here.” A thin young man stood up, held his head high and said, “I obey, BOSS!” Victor looked towards Nina narrowed her eyes slightly and said: “Nina, since I, Victor, have chosen to cooperate, I will stick to it. I hope you will not do anything that is not conducive to cooperation between the two parties. Otherwise, you should know better than me about the survival of colleges and universities. Is there a way?”
Facing Victor’s cold eyes, Nina twitched the corners of her mouth. Although she was not afraid, there was still a trace of fear in her eyes, and said: “Don’t worry. I, Nina, will not be stupid. Dig your own grave.” It was rare to force the other party to give in to her choice, so Nina gave in appropriately. At least Nina doesn’t dare to do anything detrimental to Class 1223 for the time being.
Victor nodded.
/“Look! There is movement in the village.” A person shouted.
Everyone turned to look. I saw that the tranquility and tranquility of the distant mountain village were instantly trampled by the iron hooves of fierce horses. A group of majestic black-armored knights rode tall horses, galloping up the steep hillside as if they were walking on flat ground. Even though they are far apart, you can still feel the ferocious aura. Not long after, it was like a black sword, slashing into the mountain village.
The flames instantly enveloped the entire village.
Looking from a distance, I could see those black-armored knights robbing women of their finances whenever they saw them. Those who resisted were brutally killed, their houses were burned down, and their fields were trampled. For simple farmers who regard land and crops as life, this is simply an act of annihilation.
“Look, where is Jason! The golden stick in his hand must be the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!” said an irrepressible blue-skinned girl, “Should we take action quickly?” She looked at Vic. Many, waiting for his orders. Victor looked away and said: “This is already your mission. Mania, it’s up to you. I won’t stay any longer. Remember our slogan!”
“Keep alive! Keep alive!” Class 1223 Everyone shouted loudly. This cohesion is definitely not comparable to that of Class 1232, which seems to be slightly loose.
Victor also recited, “Keep living, keep alive,” and then disappeared into the dense forest, leaving his back to everyone. He is going to the Jade Frontier Temple to swear allegiance to the Jade Frontier God of War.
Nina glanced at Victor, then cast her sights on the mountain village in the distance that was engulfed by flames, and said: “Afra, go!”
A black girl dressed as a female knight stood up and said: “Yes, Captain !”
Manyia glanced at the people in Class 1223, thought for a while, and said: “Lamb, you go ahead.”
Lamb’s black man stood up and patted his dark chest, which was stronger than a woman, “Leave it to me. BOSS!”
Affra and Lamb looked at each other, then rose up from the ground and flew straight towards the village where the flames were blooming.

ards Chen Xuanzang quickly.

ards Chen Xuanzang quickly.
“Stop him!” Pan Longtao suddenly shouted. The “magic cannon” suddenly exploded. However, the giant monkey is not afraid of the magic cannon at all, and being hit by one is like scratching an itch. Zeng Fei launched an attack over there. It just doesn’t work. The giant monkey ignored the two of them and ran straight towards Chen Xuanzang.
/But Chen Xuanzang seemed unaware, still carrying Sun Wukong on his back like a statue. The strange thing is that Sha Wujing wanted to carry him away, but he couldn’t hold Chen Xuanzang no matter what. He was so anxious that Sha Wujing broke into a cold sweat.
But just then, a wild boar roared suddenly. After the earth trembled for a while, from behind the dark mountain in the distance, a huge wild boar as high as the mountain suddenly rushed out, with its back arched and its head lowered, its fangs forward, and it rushed over like crazy. The giant monkey was stunned, then laughed loudly, raised his fist high, and hit Chen Xuanzang with all his strength.
The giant wild boar’s pupils were suddenly filled with black smoke, and its eyes were blood red. Then, its speed increased in vain, turning into a black light, rushing over in an instant, and bumping into the giant monkey. The powerful force of the collision pushed the giant monkey away dozens of meters.
Just at this time, the purple dragon flew over, its nine claws spread out, the space twisted, and a pair of front claws grabbed the shoulders of the giant monkey. The sharp shroud grabbed directly into the flesh and blood of the giant monkey!
The giant wild boar charges again!
The earth trembles! It was as if the earth was a giant drum with an invisible drumstick beating hard and continuously.
/Let’s say that the giant wild boar transformed by Zhu Gang Hyena rushed towards Sun Wukong with all its strength. However, Sun Wukong was firmly grasped by the dragon transformed by Yin Kuang with its claws, waiting for Zhu Gang to hit him.
But could Sun Wukong be imprisoned so easily? But he saw that his body shrank in vain and broke free easily. Then he somersaulted behind Shenlong and suddenly grew bigger again. His thick arms stretched out and pinched Shenlong’s neck tightly, screaming strangely. With a loud sound and a hard throw, Yin Kuang was thrown up and flew towards the pig-gang hyena.
There was a loud noise, and the two behemoths collided with each other. The sharp fangs of Zhu Gang’s mane penetrated directly into Yin Kuang’s body. And Yin Kuang’s dragon claw also scratched several huge cracks on Zhu Ganghe’s body, and blood poured down like rain. One dragon and one pig immediately rolled into a ball.
Sun Wukong danced excitedly and shouted “Come!” The Ruyi Golden Cudgel turned into a golden-red stream of light and flew towards Sun Wukong. This stream of light suddenly expanded on the way. When it fell into the hands of Sun Wukong, it was already an Optimus Pillar. With the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in hand, Sun Wukong is even more proud. The huge stick started to spin and dance, ro

two rocks. Then he hooked his hand at Bei Dao and invited him to compete on the broken tree. Bei Dao agreed. The only thing he wanted to think about now was to kill Yin Kuang as soon as possible, and then return to his true body to see Tan Shengge’s situation. No matter what, he must have a clear idea in his heart instead of making random guesses. So, he jumped on the Duanmu, rushed forward with his feet staggered, and punched him again.

two rocks. Then he hooked his hand at Bei Dao and invited him to compete on the broken tree. Bei Dao agreed. The only thing he wanted to think about now was to kill Yin Kuang as soon as possible, and then return to his true body to see Tan Shengge’s situation. No matter what, he must have a clear idea in his heart instead of making random guesses. So, he jumped on the Duanmu, rushed forward with his feet staggered, and punched him again.
The two of them were punching and kicking on the broken wood, and they had a great time fighting. But gradually, the broken wood could no longer bear the weight and constant exertion of the two men. Coupled with the constant impact of the water flow, it was finally overwhelmed and separated from the two stones with a “click” and floated towards the waterfall. At this time, the person on the broken log could no longer stand firm on it. He fell into the water with two “gudong” sounds and was immediately washed away by the water!
/The two blue figures disappeared into the white mist.
Yin Kuang opened his eyes suddenly, then pushed open the lid of the connecting compartment without thinking, turned over and jumped out, and entered a fighting state, ready to deal with unexpected changes at any time. However, he did not see the enemy. He only saw a slim figure wearing armor and a green robe on his back. It was Guan Yunfeng. Guan Yunfeng suddenly turned around and said, “Are you awake? Are you injured?” If she were a competent general, she should have said at this moment, “My subordinate came late to escort me, please punish me.” Obviously, Guan Yunfeng is still some distance away from being “competent”. Yin Kuang shook his head and said: “It’s okay.” Actually it’s very bad! Because Yin Kuang did not actively disconnect and return to his original body. But when rushing down the waterfall, he hit a protruding rock and was knocked back. Yin Kuang had no idea what kind of situation “Avatar” was in now, whether he was dead or just in a coma. And Yin Kuang is even more worried that Bei Dao will take the opportunity to kill his “Avatar”, and everything will be over. Therefore, Yin Kuang was in a bad mood and simply said “not bad”.
“How is the situation here?” Yin Kuang asked as he only saw Guan Yunfeng but not Tang Rouyu and Wang Ning. Guan Yunfeng said: “Wang Ning is gone. When he left, he asked me to bring you a message, ‘Don’t forget the previous agreement’! As for Tang Rouyu,” Guan Yunfeng hesitated. She could see that her lord had an extraordinary relationship with that Tang Rouyu, so she didn’t know how to speak for a while. Yin Kuang frowned and asked: “Tell me, how is she?” Guan Yunfeng said: “She is dead.” Yin Kuang said flatly: “Impossible!” He clearly told her to run away if she was defeated. Tang Rouyu may not be able to defeat Tan Shengge, but escaping is still not a problem. Guan Yunfeng said: “Her body is in the stone hall outside.” Yin Kuang was stunned, and then his body disappeared suddenly. The next second he appeared in the stone hall outside the cave.
With just one g

at easy, it would be too difficult for A-level. So Tang Rouyu was sure that the black-armored female general must have some kind of trump card that could cope with all changes.

at easy, it would be too difficult for A-level. So Tang Rouyu was sure that the black-armored female general must have some kind of trump card that could cope with all changes.
After hearing this, Qian Qianqian and the other three nodded in agreement and were about to take action. However, Shen Kou said: “Sister Tang, I will go too. One more person will provide more protection.” Tang Rouyu shook her head and said: “Three people are just right. And we also need protection here. Everything is happening over there in the South China Sea. It can be done.” When Shen Kou heard this, he agreed and said no more.
Qian Qianqian and the others turned into three streams of light and shot down.
At the same time, there were also three people on each of the other three sides. Obviously, the four schools are all looking to see which university takes the first action. They will also send out as many students as others, always maintaining an equal number. The difference between this time and the last time is that the two sides were hostile last time, but this time the two sides have a common goal, at least on the surface they are cooperative.
Qian Qianqian glanced in the direction of Class 1238 and saw Bai Lu, Ouyang Mu, and Du Kangan dispatched. Bai Lu and Ouyang Mu Qian Qianqian are naturally familiar with each other. But Du Kangan was transferred from Tan Shengge’s class to Zhu Tong’s class. He was a guy who was almost unbeatable. Looking at the South China Sea, one man, two women, and three from the South each were dispatched.
Everyone in the university is not like Lu Yan and Silent Monk. They were using their bare hands, and they were not ruthless. They just knocked the enemy to the ground and then stopped. Qian Qianqian’s attack was directly fatal.
The two lieutenants of the black-armored female general were also extraordinary. They felt the danger almost as soon as Qian Qianqian and the others showed their strong Qi (the NPC’s understanding). Even if the military formation has not yet been assembled, they stopped instantly. As the deputy general’s shouts covered the entire unformed military formation, all the black-armored knights raised their shields high above their heads in unison, and in an instant they pieced together an irregular-shaped “iron shield platform.” Qian Qianqian and everyone’s attacks all landed on the plane composed of dark shields.
Zeng Fei, who was in the distance, immediately conveyed the scene he saw with his Void Eyes to Qian Qianqian and the others. Qian Qianqian and the other two people looked at it and immediately exclaimed “Not good”. Sixty percent of their hasty attacks were unable to break through the defense of the iron shield plane, and only a few black-armored knights died. And the black light glowing from the iron shield bounced away all kinds of attacks.
/And just when the expressions of the twelve college students changed, the deputy general’s voice rang out again, “Attack!”
The iron shield platform suddenly retracted, and crossbow arrows were shot at Qian Qianqi

ve to go through exam scenes one after another, kill themselves in other worlds, understand the law and condense the “axis”, etc. If you don’t understand these issues clearly, you won’t be willing to die even if you die.

ve to go through exam scenes one after another, kill themselves in other worlds, understand the law and condense the “axis”, etc. If you don’t understand these issues clearly, you won’t be willing to die even if you die.
“By the way, where is Li Shuangmu?” Wang Ning said, “Isn’t this guy also clamoring to destroy the university? I think he also has the potential to become a madman. He is the one who started this farce. If Rosalind comes out later, We are all afraid that we will all be punished. Where is he hiding at this time?”
Lu Xia Leng, who had been paying attention to the Leaning Tower Library, pointed at the location of Haotian Tower with Fang Tian’s painted halberd, “Been beaten by Haotian The tower has been taken in.” Lu Xia Leng is quite vindictive. Li Shuangmu dared to attack her secretly, and she wanted to stab him into pieces. However, Haotian Tower is extremely spiritual and even took the initiative to take Li Shuangmu in and protect him. Lu Xialeng also knew that he could not break the Haotian Tower on his own, so he had no choice but to give up.
/Wang Ning walked to the side of the Haotian Tower, squatted down, and flicked the Haotian Tower with his index finger, “Li Shuangmu, Li Shuangmu, this time it really hurts you. I find that nothing good seems to happen when I follow you. You are doing well now. , hiding in this turtle shell, but if Rosalind does not die, we will suffer. Anyway, we are all in trouble, come out?”
The small Haotian Tower did not move, just like a fake antique, I guess he would be kicked to death if he was thrown on the street.
Tan Shengge shook his head helplessly.
At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance. Yin Kuang looked around and saw members of the “Law Enforcement Team” from Dongxi University escorting a group of people over.
The leader was the “Judgment House” for six “weeks”.
Since “Sunday” died at the hands of Dou Tianli, Rosalind vacated the position of “Sunday” in order to commemorate him, so the tribunal now only has “Six Days”.
As for the group of people being held in custody, one could tell at a glance that they were members of the former Dongsheng who participated in the rebellion.
They are all sophomores and juniors. Moreover, most of the junior students are female, and they are obviously members of the original Red Leaf Club.
When they walked in, a sophomore student from Dongsheng University shouted: “President Yin, we were wrong. We all listened to other people’s deceptions. Please save us, we don’t want to die!”
/That person just now As soon as he finished speaking, a person next to him bumped into him and cursed: “You weakling, you actually begged for mercy from that traitor who betrayed your ancestors. I will kill you!”
It was Gao Liang.
Although he He stabbed Shao Xianfeng several times, but it was not fatal at all, not to mention that there were students from Xishen to treat him. Why treatment? Only after he was rescued could he go to court and face trial.
“Gao Liang, if you want to die, don’t drag me. Help, he bites me!

le for men and women to be happy? She was purely selfish and didn’t want anything dirty between her mother and Yin Kuang.

le for men and women to be happy? She was purely selfish and didn’t want anything dirty between her mother and Yin Kuang.
Of course Yin Kuang didn’t know what Lu Xia Leng was thinking. So Lu Xialeng succeeded. How could Yin Kuang have no illusions about a stunning beauty like Diao Chan? And now that illusion has vanished. I saw Yin Kuang’s eyes twitching, and he couldn’t laugh or cry: “Okay. It turns out that the ‘disaster energy’ has this effect. But in the world of the Three Kingdoms, if I don’t save her, she is afraid that she will be raped.” Lu Xia looked coldly. He was cold and then sneered: “Huh! I’m afraid he has gone crazy before he succeeds. How can my mother be bullied casually? It doesn’t matter whether you do it or not.” ”
/Okay,” Yin Kuang shrugged and said : “However, it seems that I brought Diao Chan back and brought you trouble?” Lu Xia Leng stared at Diao Chan and smiled bitterly, “Yes, it did bring trouble. And it’s still a big trouble.” Yin Kuang asked : “What should I say?” Lu Xia said coldly: “Once I leave the scene world, my mother’s soul has been separated from the influence of the principal. Even if I kill her now, her soul will not be able to return to the pure world. Spirit Lake. And if I kill her on campus, even I don’t know what the consequences will be.”
This means that if you want to kill Diao Chan, you must first send him to a place where the principal’s power can influence in the scene. To do this, Diao Chan must be given the status of a college student and participate in the exam. In this way, she will be killed in the scene and her soul will be returned to Jingling Lake. But this is the reason. Could Lu Xialeng really be able to send his mother into the scene to be killed so easily? When she had never seen Diao Chan, she could still comfort herself by saying “to resurrect her only mother”, but when Diao Chan, who was flesh and blood and had a soul, was placed in front of her eyes, how could she do it?
Yin Kuang sighed and said: “I’m sorry. What should I do now?” Lu Xia said coldly: “I have already used the ‘History of Time’ to shape two bodies, and I am just waiting to inject the ‘Only Origin Spiritual Candle’ into them. Now I’m afraid one of them will no longer be used. The solution now is to take her to one world after another and kill herself. And you have to do this!” ”
History of Time” has infinite uses, create two bodies The physical body is of course not a problem. However, if you want to truly tamper with turning events, such as “Western God is annexed by Dongsheng” or “Hitler unifies the world”, the price paid is definitely no less than creating a new world. Lu Xialeng obviously does not have the ability to create the world on his own.
Yin Kuang said: “Okay. But I don’t have time in the near future. I must find a way to improve my strength as soon as possible.” Lu Xia said seriously: “You only have half a year. Half a year in college is over, if you still can’t do it , then I can only assist the Goddess of the West to integrate the four schools, so that I can hav

rs rushed towards them.

rs rushed towards them.
Yin Kuang was holding back his depression and anger at this time, and then smiled cruelly, “Humph! Cao Cao, didn’t you let me do things easily? I’ll do it for you.” Then he clamped the horse’s belly with force, and the horse suffered pain. The hooves are kicking like flying, and the speed is increasing by one point.
/The pair of Cao soldiers also reacted quickly. Following the command of a leading armored officer, the archers cocked their bows and shot a bunch of random arrows.
At random, Yin Kuang wanted to kill them to vent his anger, but he also knew that he couldn’t get entangled with them, otherwise he would be surrounded if Cao’s soldiers were attracted around him, which would be troublesome. Therefore, Yin Kuang showed no interest in fighting and rode his horse straight to the west gate.
“What kind of person is Zhao Zilong with a white horse and a silver gun?” Yin Kuang murmured in his heart as he rode the horse. There was expectation and excitement, but also worry and confusion, “Oh! Damn the principal, did you assign me Class 1237 to Cao Cao’s camp? Okay, the facts are established, no more complaining will help. Now let’s think about how to complete the main mission! The ending of the Battle of Chibi was a disastrous defeat for Cao Cao. What should I do to reverse Cao Cao’s defeat? There are two other classes.”
While thinking, Yin Kuang was already approaching Ximen. The closer he got to the west gate, the more Cao soldiers he encountered, and Yin Kuang couldn’t kill them even if he wanted to. Helpless, he abandoned the horse, climbed the mountain roof, and galloped on the roof. When the tall and majestic city wall of Xinye West Gate came into view, what was seen on the ground turned out to be a sea of ??people, or in other words, a sea of ??corpses and blood!
The shouts of killing, the screams, the smell of burning, and the smell of blood formed a picture of purgatory on earth!
/However, what attracted Yin Kuang the most was an “isolated island” in the sea of ??blood and corpses, with a person and a horse. Surrounded by Cao’s soldiers, he rushed left and right, like a moving meat grinder, killing everyone wherever he passed. In the firelight, his entire body was wrapped in a layer of hot blood, and his face could not be seen clearly. The cloak he wore was also soaked in blood, but it was already flowing and flowing, twisting and turning as he moved. The helmet on his head and the “red tassel” on the top of the helmet were also fluttering. The tall and powerful horse under his crotch was also covered in blood, as if on fire. Only when the man stood up and neighed, the snow-white down on his lower abdomen was exposed. And the weapon in his hand is also a blood-red spear. When he picks, stabs, and sweeps, the blood shines brightly and dazzlingly. In front of him, one after another Cao soldiers and Cao generals were like straw. Wherever the blood-red spear passed, they swept away a large area and pierced a line. There was no one who could block his shot!
Looking from a di

he I can’t tell.”

he I can’t tell.”
Everyone gathered together and exchanged simple greetings for a while before getting back to the main topic.
Tan Shengge said to Yin Kuang: “Speaking of which, Yin Kuang, I now doubt whether you knew that Xishen University would attack us. That’s why you organized that ‘non-violent non-participation alliance’. If it was true back then, If chaos breaks out, our sophomore class will probably lose a lot of people. In that case, it is impossible for us to defeat Xi Shen.”
Dongsheng’s cooperation is more of a kind of self-preservation. When cooperation cannot achieve the purpose of self-preservation, the so-called cooperation will become loose in an instant. However, Xishen’s cooperation is to abandon himself and face the enemy together. Their cooperation has only one purpose, and that is to kill the enemy!
Tan Shengge looked at Yin Kuang and said, “Yin Kuang, you shouldn’t be stingy about Xishen’s information at this time, right?” Yin Kuang asked back: “Li Shuangmu, didn’t you fight against Xishen University? You should have obtained it. A lot of information, right?” Li Shuangmu said: “There is a lot of information, but it is only on the surface.”
Gao Fengliang said: “Their cooperation! There is no flaw at all. I don’t think I will lose to them in a single fight, but in a group fight, unless there are twice as many people as them, otherwise” Although Dongsheng also attaches great importance to cooperation, but Dongsheng’s cooperation was completely inferior to that of Xishen.
/Yin Kuang said: “The value of information lies in its freshness. To be honest, the information I obtained may no longer be of much value. I don’t think Rosalind is the goddess of the West. She should be a senior, but I don’t know why she is still here. College. She will definitely make new adjustments to Xishen. Of course, I will still give out the information about Xishen. As for how to choose, it’s up to you.”
With that, Yin Kuang took out a light that recorded the voice message. The ball is handed to Leng Huaping. This seemingly unintentional move made Li Shuangmu frown.
Li Shuangmu chewed Yin Kuang’s words and said, “Yin Kuang, it seems you are not planning to join us.”
Yin Kuang nodded and said, “I plan to go to Dong Zhuo.”
Li Shuangmu and others’ expressions changed slightly. . On the other hand, the second-generation Queen Sakura smiled and said: “It’s still so unexpected.”
Yin Kuang said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I have my own considerations. With my ability, you don’t think I will hold you back, right? Don’t forget that we This mission is not to defeat Dong Zhuo, but to the other party, Xishen University.”
Everyone nodded slightly, reluctantly accepting Yin Kuang’s decision.
Yin Kuang glanced at everyone and said with a smile: “But before I leave, I plan to give you a big gift.”
Big gift?
Everyone looked at Yin Kuang with doubt