two rocks. Then he hooked his hand at Bei Dao and invited him to compete on the broken tree. Bei Dao agreed. The only thing he wanted to think about now was to kill Yin Kuang as soon as possible, and then return to his true body to see Tan Shengge’s situation. No matter what, he must have a clear idea in his heart instead of making random guesses. So, he jumped on the Duanmu, rushed forward with his feet staggered, and punched him again.

two rocks. Then he hooked his hand at Bei Dao and invited him to compete on the broken tree. Bei Dao agreed. The only thing he wanted to think about now was to kill Yin Kuang as soon as possible, and then return to his true body to see Tan Shengge’s situation. No matter what, he must have a clear idea in his heart instead of making random guesses. So, he jumped on the Duanmu, rushed forward with his feet staggered, and punched him again.
The two of them were punching and kicking on the broken wood, and they had a great time fighting. But gradually, the broken wood could no longer bear the weight and constant exertion of the two men. Coupled with the constant impact of the water flow, it was finally overwhelmed and separated from the two stones with a “click” and floated towards the waterfall. At this time, the person on the broken log could no longer stand firm on it. He fell into the water with two “gudong” sounds and was immediately washed away by the water!
/The two blue figures disappeared into the white mist.
Yin Kuang opened his eyes suddenly, then pushed open the lid of the connecting compartment without thinking, turned over and jumped out, and entered a fighting state, ready to deal with unexpected changes at any time. However, he did not see the enemy. He only saw a slim figure wearing armor and a green robe on his back. It was Guan Yunfeng. Guan Yunfeng suddenly turned around and said, “Are you awake? Are you injured?” If she were a competent general, she should have said at this moment, “My subordinate came late to escort me, please punish me.” Obviously, Guan Yunfeng is still some distance away from being “competent”. Yin Kuang shook his head and said: “It’s okay.” Actually it’s very bad! Because Yin Kuang did not actively disconnect and return to his original body. But when rushing down the waterfall, he hit a protruding rock and was knocked back. Yin Kuang had no idea what kind of situation “Avatar” was in now, whether he was dead or just in a coma. And Yin Kuang is even more worried that Bei Dao will take the opportunity to kill his “Avatar”, and everything will be over. Therefore, Yin Kuang was in a bad mood and simply said “not bad”.
“How is the situation here?” Yin Kuang asked as he only saw Guan Yunfeng but not Tang Rouyu and Wang Ning. Guan Yunfeng said: “Wang Ning is gone. When he left, he asked me to bring you a message, ‘Don’t forget the previous agreement’! As for Tang Rouyu,” Guan Yunfeng hesitated. She could see that her lord had an extraordinary relationship with that Tang Rouyu, so she didn’t know how to speak for a while. Yin Kuang frowned and asked: “Tell me, how is she?” Guan Yunfeng said: “She is dead.” Yin Kuang said flatly: “Impossible!” He clearly told her to run away if she was defeated. Tang Rouyu may not be able to defeat Tan Shengge, but escaping is still not a problem. Guan Yunfeng said: “Her body is in the stone hall outside.” Yin Kuang was stunned, and then his body disappeared suddenly. The next second he appeared in the stone hall outside the cave.
With just one g