at easy, it would be too difficult for A-level. So Tang Rouyu was sure that the black-armored female general must have some kind of trump card that could cope with all changes.

at easy, it would be too difficult for A-level. So Tang Rouyu was sure that the black-armored female general must have some kind of trump card that could cope with all changes.
After hearing this, Qian Qianqian and the other three nodded in agreement and were about to take action. However, Shen Kou said: “Sister Tang, I will go too. One more person will provide more protection.” Tang Rouyu shook her head and said: “Three people are just right. And we also need protection here. Everything is happening over there in the South China Sea. It can be done.” When Shen Kou heard this, he agreed and said no more.
Qian Qianqian and the others turned into three streams of light and shot down.
At the same time, there were also three people on each of the other three sides. Obviously, the four schools are all looking to see which university takes the first action. They will also send out as many students as others, always maintaining an equal number. The difference between this time and the last time is that the two sides were hostile last time, but this time the two sides have a common goal, at least on the surface they are cooperative.
Qian Qianqian glanced in the direction of Class 1238 and saw Bai Lu, Ouyang Mu, and Du Kangan dispatched. Bai Lu and Ouyang Mu Qian Qianqian are naturally familiar with each other. But Du Kangan was transferred from Tan Shengge’s class to Zhu Tong’s class. He was a guy who was almost unbeatable. Looking at the South China Sea, one man, two women, and three from the South each were dispatched.
Everyone in the university is not like Lu Yan and Silent Monk. They were using their bare hands, and they were not ruthless. They just knocked the enemy to the ground and then stopped. Qian Qianqian’s attack was directly fatal.
The two lieutenants of the black-armored female general were also extraordinary. They felt the danger almost as soon as Qian Qianqian and the others showed their strong Qi (the NPC’s understanding). Even if the military formation has not yet been assembled, they stopped instantly. As the deputy general’s shouts covered the entire unformed military formation, all the black-armored knights raised their shields high above their heads in unison, and in an instant they pieced together an irregular-shaped “iron shield platform.” Qian Qianqian and everyone’s attacks all landed on the plane composed of dark shields.
Zeng Fei, who was in the distance, immediately conveyed the scene he saw with his Void Eyes to Qian Qianqian and the others. Qian Qianqian and the other two people looked at it and immediately exclaimed “Not good”. Sixty percent of their hasty attacks were unable to break through the defense of the iron shield plane, and only a few black-armored knights died. And the black light glowing from the iron shield bounced away all kinds of attacks.
/And just when the expressions of the twelve college students changed, the deputy general’s voice rang out again, “Attack!”
The iron shield platform suddenly retracted, and crossbow arrows were shot at Qian Qianqi