righteous person. Moreover, His Highness Edmund is also the son of prophecy One, saving him from the claws of the devil is also for Narnia to successfully win peace. Besides, there are Her Majesty Susan and Her Majesty Lucy on the battlefield, and they will direct the next battle. “

righteous person. Moreover, His Highness Edmund is also the son of prophecy One, saving him from the claws of the devil is also for Narnia to successfully win peace. Besides, there are Her Majesty Susan and Her Majesty Lucy on the battlefield, and they will direct the next battle. ”
Elder Gryphon was refreshed after hearing this, “Your Majesty Yin Kuang, you are right! It is indeed the case! I am so ashamed that I doubted His Highness Peter! In this case, even if I risk my life, We must also save His Royal Highness Edmund!”
Yin Kuang smiled, “That’s it.” This is exactly what he wants. Although he did not receive a clear reminder from the principal, he knew that the gryphon elder had a better impression of him.
/To Yin Kuang’s right, Lu Xia, who was sitting on Mo Li’s back, glanced coldly at Yin Kuang. With a woman’s intuition, she felt that Yin Kuang was up to something. The Scar
Canyon was about 2,000 meters away, but under the high-speed movement of everyone, It didn’t take long to rush out of the canyon and enter the ice and snow wasteland. Although the ice is beginning to melt now and the weeds are beginning to sprout, this place is still called the ice and snow wasteland. Because the White Witch is still the only legal government of Narnia at this moment, its naming is legal and authoritative.
When the frost dragon rushed out of the Scar Canyon, for some reason, it suddenly started to shake, and it seemed that it was struggling to flap its wings. Not long after, it fell towards the ground, and then fell onto the ground, kicking up a large area of ??land and soil.
Seeing this, Peter was overjoyed, “Aslan bless you!” However, the joy instantly turned to great sadness, because Stephens stumbled and fell to the ground, and Peter was also thrown out, hitting the ground with a bang!
Stephens said with difficulty: “I’m sorry, Your Highness, I tried my best.”
Peter gritted his teeth, and then said: “Then you have a good rest.”
At this time, the griffins had already passed Peter and were heading towards The frost dragon flew away from where it landed.
“This is so strange. It actually fell to the ground?” Elder Griffin was greatly surprised. Yin Kuang smiled and said: “With Aslan’s blessing, nothing is impossible.” The elder Griffin nodded and said: “You are right, Your Excellency.”
Yin Kuang secretly laughed in his heart, why did the frost dragon fall? , everyone in Class 1237 knows it all too well. Yin Kuang couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to the frost dragon even after being administered more than ten doses of powerful drugs by Zeng Fei. You know, one dose of that powerful drug can make Yin Kuang sleep for a whole day!
While Yin Kuang was sighing, the griffons had already fallen to the ground. Yin Kuang and Lu Xia Leng also jumped off the gryphon and hurriedly walked towards Edmund.
“I’ve been thrown to death!” The thin Edmund just climbed up from the pit at this time, and then kicked the sleeping frost dragon, “Damn evil dragon! I must let Lai Onnas will bite you to death!”