are not the same. Favored by the traditional elite class, all charges are much lower than those of similar hotels, and more importantly, the accommodation management is not strict. The tall,

are not the same. Favored by the traditional elite class, all charges are much lower than those of similar hotels, and more importantly, the accommodation management is not strict. The tall,
Zhang Lisheng’s purpose in choosing a ‘motel’ is naturally not to be cheap, but to just spend a little money. Advantages of direct check-in without any identification.
fat white man with no hair on his head was lost at the front desk. After paying two hundred meters, he pretended to be sophisticated and said nonchalantly: “Get a room, man. ”
/Just asking, do you want to relieve your boredom? We have high-quality goods for only one hundred and fifty. “The big white man touched the authenticity of the rice yuan, showed a happy smile, took a keychain from several rows hanging on the wall, and threw it to the lean Asian young man holding a tablet in front of him. , and sure enough, the document registration process was automatically filtered.
After entering the guest room, he locked the door, closed the windows, and after taking a hot bath in the bathroom, he felt that his mind had completely calmed down, and then he sat on the edge of the bed. , holding up the tablet computer given by the Lord.
Chapter 302 ‘Changing Conditions’
The tablet computer seemed to be used by the former owner ‘Lord’ as a portable notebook. The information about the ‘Dark Believers’ in it was indeed extremely rich, not only A complete version of the ‘Dark Believer’s’ Transformation Prayer Technique with pictures and texts; after stealing the holy power of other gods, transform it into a secret rune spell from the source of dark magic; understand the ‘power of darkness’ in the dark, Continuously deepening the basic knowledge of blood sacrifice rituals and other deep-level evil abilities, as well as some Lords’ personal insights on the profession of ‘Dark Believer’.
And all of this is actually accompanied by beautifully produced animation demonstrations.
/Zhang Lisheng carefully studied After reading these contents, an image of the Lord wearing ancient monk robes and brutally killing the sacrifice suddenly flashed in his mind. With sudden inspiration, he took out a tablet computer, carefully recorded his new insights, and then continued the blood sacrifice. In the end, the scene of using the flash program to create an animated short film of the whole process couldn’t help but feel very absurd.
However, thinking about the witchcraft improvement experiments he had done using modern biotechnology, they might look even weirder in the eyes of other witches. He didn’t He smiled dumbly, stopped slandering the Lord, and allowed a feeling of disappointment to hit his heart.
After just a few hours of research, the young man understood that the so-called ‘Dark Believers’ simply sacrificed themselves through some cruel ritual. To the ‘dark power’, people can change the essence of life and gain extraordinary abilities. The
‘dark power’ is the ‘force’ born from the cruel nature of all living things in the vast universe, the weak and the strong.
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