g a hundred years ago, many renovations have not made much changes to the main structure. However, in the room now used as an office, the situation is On the other hand, small changes such as pulling circuits and pulling network cables to achieve modern office conditions can be seen everywhere.

g a hundred years ago, many renovations have not made much changes to the main structure. However, in the room now used as an office, the situation is On the other hand, small changes such as pulling circuits and pulling network cables to achieve modern office conditions can be seen everywhere.
In the spacious and bright Academic Affairs Office on the first floor of the Red Building, Deputy Director Wang Qiuli personally verified Zhang Lisheng’s information online and entered it into the catalog of invited visiting scholars. She looked up at the young Stanford doctor sitting on the sofa next to the wall and spoke in fluent English. He said enthusiastically: “Okay, Dr. Zhang, the formalities are completed.
Welcome you to officially become one of the visiting scholars of Sichuan University. We at Western Sichuan University will fully take care of your ‘food, housing and transportation’ during your academic exchange life in China for the next six months.” Responsible.
Accommodation is in the university guest house, and the environment is the standard of a star hotel; you can choose to eat in the guest house restaurant or the international student canteen, and the buffet is provided free of charge; because the university has a tight supply of vehicles, it is difficult to guarantee your own car for travel. We will subsidize you with a car sticker of 150 yuan a day, of course in Chinese dollars, not rice dollars.
Other than that, if you have any other requests, you can make them as long as they are reasonable.”
“You can make more requests.” Looking at the official of the Academic Affairs Office of Sichuan University who was over forty but well-maintained and still looked charming, Zhang Lisheng was stunned and blurted out: “No, no, no, Ms. Wang, I’m coming to your school. There is no reason to receive such care from you when doing academic visits.”
/“General visiting scholars do not receive this kind of treatment, but you are an invited expert in the Ministry of Education’s ‘Hundred Famous Universities. Thousands of International Experts’ academic exchange program. All of us The university has special regulations.
This kind of treatment is the result of repeated reductions after the central government advocated ‘strict economy’. I hope it will satisfy you?” When Wang Qiuli said these words, there was an inexplicable sense of superiority in her tone. .
“Satisfied, I’m very satisfied, thank you.” After the formalities were completed and the goal was achieved, Zhang Lisheng, who didn’t want to dwell on the details anymore, shrugged and stood up from the sofa. “If there is nothing else, Ms. Li, I would like to settle down first and get off the jet lag, and then go to the primitive jungles in western Sichuan to do some field research…” ”
Go to the primitive jungles to do practical, field research?” Wang Qiuli’s eyes widened. The young man was surprised and interrupted.
“Yes, but don’t worry. I have a lot of experience in wild adventures, so I don’t need to bother your school with anything. In fact, if you ha