e executives will find a way to buy the patent or the other company, almost without caring about money. If things will fall behind in this way, it can only show that God is taking care of the other party.”

e executives will find a way to buy the patent or the other company, almost without caring about money. If things will fall behind in this way, it can only show that God is taking care of the other party.”
Secretary Dawson said helplessly, speechless at the shameless behavior of the people in the company. This is almost cutting off the possibility of other companies surpassing themselves. In the technology industry Technology is king. Few individuals or companies can refuse sky-high acquisition agreements. Rich rogue companies are really scary.
If you meet someone who doesn’t care about money and is not impressed by the immediate benefits, don’t worry. The considerate executives of Xueshan Group’s subsidiaries can also provide a profit sharing model.
Occasionally, some useless things will be acquired at high prices, but most of them can create benefits for the company, such as Corning’s Gorilla Glass patent license, which is a scratch-resistant glass that was previously used in helicopters and is bulletproof. Properties of glass.
/In 2001, Han Xuan spent 80 million US dollars to obtain the right to use and sell this glass for twenty years, and had the right to improve this glass. At that time, people were wondering what the use of this thing was, but Secretary Dawson knew, Bell Labs used it to create a very advanced technology: scratch-resistant touch screen.
Nowadays, mobile phones have begun to use it. Compared with the touch screens of other mobile phone manufacturers, the ones produced by HOPE Group are more durable and require no human damage and rarely leave scratches. ”
No, no, no, what they do is great, I I appreciate it.”
Han Xuan shook his head and smiled: “Technology is more important than money. I would rather they spend more than be controlled by others on a certain technology in the future. There are a huge number of R&D talents in the company’s laboratory, but there are always areas that cannot be covered. In terms of technology, sometimes investing hundreds of millions of dollars is not as useful as someone else’s unexpected invention. At this time, of course we must absorb technology to improve our own strength.”
“I know. They learned this business model entirely because of your usual practices. When they encounter problems, they only need to spend money to solve them. You also do the same. Qualcomm, Cisco, Nvidia, etc. have recently merged with many owned companies. A company with advanced technology.”
After being exposed by Secretary Dawson, Han Xuan was not annoyed at all, but felt proud.
Others only know that many of HOPE Group’s technologies are very advanced, but they don’t know how much effort it took to obtain the patent rights or patent usage rights of these technologies.
In comparison, the technology developed by himself only occupies a small part of the current patent library. Han Xuan has always believed that investing in patents is the most profitable way to make money, and the return rate can be as high as millions of times.
At present, the company’s total number