The supermarket has been completely rearranged and divided into several areas by shelves. According to Wang Decheng, it is divided into entertainment area, living area, storage area, and simple medical room, etc. Some unused goods such as electrical appliances and so on It was all stuffed into the shelves and used as dividers.

The supermarket has been completely rearranged and divided into several areas by shelves. According to Wang Decheng, it is divided into entertainment area, living area, storage area, and simple medical room, etc. Some unused goods such as electrical appliances and so on It was all stuffed into the shelves and used as dividers.
The simple medical room is on the right hand side of the entrance to the supermarket. It is divided into a treatment room and a ward by shelves. There are famous players guarding the treatment room, and there are several large locked cabinets inside. There were several canopy beds in the ward. Han Guangming called to the three stretcher carriers to carry Zhang Shengli over, found an empty bed, and helped Zhang Shengli lie down on it.
/According to Han Guangming, the player in the treatment room was a medical student. He came over and asked about the situation. After briefly checking Zhang Shengli’s wound, he got some iodophor and the like and wiped it on the wound, and then took another Zhang Shengli took two anti-inflammatory pills.
Zhang Shengli’s wound was very painful after lying down, and he had a very painful look on his face.
“Are there any painkillers?” Liu Qian asked the player.
“Painkillers are in short supply and cannot be distributed casually without Master Hu’s permission.” The player shook his head.
“Give me some face! This guy helped us a lot, which is equivalent to saving the lives of several of us, and he was injured just because he saved us.” Han Guangming pushed the player aside and lied and begged for a few times. sentence.
“Okay, I can only give you one. Mr. Hu comes back and finds that the medicine is missing. Go and tell him yourself.” The player seemed to be relatively familiar with Han Guangming. He took a piece of painkiller from the locked cabinet and fed it to Zhang Shengli.
After Zhang Shengli took painkillers, the pain eased somewhat. He was very tired and closed his eyes as if he wanted to sleep. Liu Qian did not disturb him anymore and left the simple infirmary with the others. This is all he can do for Zhang Shengli. Whether he can survive depends on his body’s recovery ability and willpower.
“We will continue to go out on patrol missions. Brother Liu, please talk to Brother Wang more. Brother Wang is a good man.” Han Guangming said goodbye to Liu Qian after leaving the simple infirmary.
“Well, you’re busy, so don’t worry about me.” Liu Qian nodded to Han Guangming.
“Brother Liu, if you want to leave, wait until I come back from patrol. I’ll treat you to a drink then!” Han Guangming extended his hand to Liu Qian.
“Okay.” Liu Gan held Han Guangming’s hand and smiled at him, feeling an inexplicable warmth in his heart.
“Brother Liu, it is difficult for one person to survive in the apocalypse. There are many of us. If we unite, everyone will have food to eat. Even if we are injured, there will be people to take care of us and continue to live. If everyone is scattered, it will be easy to die in those local areas. In the hands of the decease