he could Being alone with Liu Qian, she didn’t expect it to be such a competition. If so, wouldn’t she be holding Liu Qian back?

he could Being alone with Liu Qian, she didn’t expect it to be such a competition. If so, wouldn’t she be holding Liu Qian back?
/“Don’t worry, all enemies are paper tigers. As long as we use our brains and try our best, we will definitely win the final victory.” Liu Qian’s expression remained unchanged.
“Okay, I won’t let you down.” Anna clenched her fists. Now that she’s here, she can only fight, but she doesn’t know how to fight yet.
“In addition, there is an additional reward and punishment in this competition. Two members of the winning team will receive a universal attribute point, while other team members will be forced to deduct one level and randomly lose an ability,” the mastermind continued.
“What? Extra rewards and punishments?” Everyone was stunned.
“Well, universal attribute points, you can add it to the level, so that you will be promoted to a level, or you can add it to the ability, so that you can randomly awaken a new ability, or add it to In terms of strength, speed, endurance and other attributes, it can increase your attributes by ten percent.”
As the mastermind said, some options appeared in the field of vision in front of everyone, showing their levels and abilities. , various special attributes and the like, and then there is a virtual universal attribute point that allows them to try to make virtual allocations.
After Liu Gan tried this virtual universal attribute point, he couldn’t help but be shocked that the item for his level was gray and he couldn’t use the universal attribute point, but he could add this virtual universal attribute point to the third stage of his brain. , after adding this universal attribute point, he can directly advance to the fourth stage of the brain!
When Liu Qian tried to advance to the third stage of the brain, he was almost vomiting the fireballs. He ate a mountain of energy balls, but he was still unable to successfully enter. Later, he consumed the Heaven of Death he got from Chen Dengwen. Lei successfully entered the third stage of the brain.
After entering the third stage of the brain, Liu Qian also conducted some research on how to advance to the fourth stage of the brain in his spare time, but he found that the method of filling and releasing energy by eating energy balls was no longer effective, or the effect was minimal, because He had no previous experience, so he could only speculate on his own. According to his own speculation, he estimated that to advance from the third stage of the brain to the fourth stage of the brain, he must find a new method, and it is conceivable. How difficult will it be?
/In Liu Qian’s view, at the third stage of his brain domain, he can barely compete with level 15 players in terms of strength. Therefore, if he wants to advance to the fourth stage of his brain domain, he must first remove the seal and advance to It only requires level 15 or above, so I didn’t make any other attempts. I planned to complete the mission of Dream City first.
Unexpectedly, this five-star difficulty mission unexpectedly gave