ing Abe Idegawa in the face. With each question and answer, Ashiya Moya is obviously more outstanding. At that moment, Abe Degawa glanced at Ashiya Moya, and his eyes were obviously unhappy.

ing Abe Idegawa in the face. With each question and answer, Ashiya Moya is obviously more outstanding. At that moment, Abe Degawa glanced at Ashiya Moya, and his eyes were obviously unhappy.
/“He’s right, kill Ba Xiaoshan, don’t let him ruin our plan.”
This is the second time the old man of the Abe family has given the order. At the moment, Ashiya Moga and Abe Degawa are depressed in the family. The guy who wants to take this opportunity to become a god in the new era is targeting me.
The fact that I was able to break through the illusion just now was completely a second miracle, or it could be said to be a manifestation of my strong will to survive. But breaking through the illusion does not mean that I am safe. There is a greater crisis ahead. Abe Degawa and Ashiya Moga are both good onmyojis, not to mention there are so many evil onmyojis present. As well as the people of Onmyojia who had just taken refuge with the old man of the Abe family. It is no exaggeration to say that I am now equivalent to fighting an Onmyoji army on my own. And there is no one who is good at it yet.
/The two people took out the magic talisman, and other evil onmyoji masters surrounded them. When I saw this, I immediately pointed my finger, and the gourd fire burned around my body. The evil Onmyoji who knew the power of the blood-red flames did not dare to approach, and some even showed frightened expressions on their faces.
Because Abe Degawa had just lost face, he now seemed more positive and shouted: “Ba Xiaoshan knows many mysterious spells from China. But now he is tortured by the ghosts and crows and has lost his magic weapon. He is not dangerous like this. Don’t be afraid!”
“If you want to kill me, try it.”
The stalemate didn’t last long, and dozens of spiritual talismans flew out under the command of the two leaders. These spiritual talismans flew through the air and transformed into countless terrifying styles. god. The demons are dancing wildly, and there are countless monsters and ghosts. Under the evil light, I could only give it a try. The blood-red gourd fire was immediately activated, and the terrifying fire exploded out. The first wave of ghosts that surrounded them were attacked mercilessly by the flames, and were swept up and shattered by the flames in an instant. Beat back the first wave. All the evil onmyojis were also a little frightened. They were not fools or stupid young people. They didn’t dare to pounce on my gourd fire when they saw it was so powerful. Seeing that the onmyoji around them did not dare to attack, Abe Degawa and Ashiya Moya were the ones who were anxious. They can hope to show off in front of the old man!
“Listen up. If you take down Ba Xiaoshan, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth!” Abe was more honest when he came out of Sichuan, and immediately promised a heavy reward.
On the other side, Ashiya Moya showed another extreme. He grabbed the evil onmyoji closest to him. The knife killed him, and everyone around him was so frightened that they moved forward and did not dare to appr