un away in fear when the beasts scream, and there are no experts. News from outside began to spread all over the place. There are many people spreading rumors that three financial backers have integrated over a hundred masters to take my life. There are also rumors that there are Shaoyang level masters who have posted a reward to kill me.

un away in fear when the beasts scream, and there are no experts. News from outside began to spread all over the place. There are many people spreading rumors that three financial backers have integrated over a hundred masters to take my life. There are also rumors that there are Shaoyang level masters who have posted a reward to kill me.
But I lived my life in the stronghold, reading and sorting out information, drinking and basking in the sun, which was quite leisurely.
During this period, I visited Luo Qiong again, but this time the conversation was very short. I just went to tell him that I would not let go of the person who caused him to take drugs in the first place.
Three days passed in a blink of an eye. I came to the door with the address given by the owner of Sanfu Teahouse. These three people bought several villas with consecutive numbers in Shanghai. Although there were no known masters with more than 100 numbers from the outside world, they found several villas. There are still second- and third-rate experts on the 10th.
The weather was quite sunny, so I called a taxi and carried my big wooden box to the address. The driver asked me what was in the box, so I casually said that I was a violin player, and what was in it was musical instruments. The master also said: “Really, I can’t tell. The young man is so capable. Are you in your early twenties this year?”
I smiled and shook my head and said, “No, I am already in my early thirties.”
“Young man, this is not good . You young people like to pretend to be old. When you reach our age, you will pretend to be young. Haha.”
When I got to the place, I paid and watched the car drive away, then I lit a cigarette and walked into the villa area. The security guard at the door was obviously bribed. He kept his composure when he saw me, but secretly called me. When I walked to several consecutive villas, I saw dozens of people on the opposite side already fully armed.
/In the late 1990s, housing prices in Shanghai were not that terrible. There has not yet been a craze for buying houses in society. Many villas built at that time cost hundreds of thousands and no one bought them. Buying cars was popular in Beijing at that time, but it was only around 2004 in Shanghai that people started buying houses to settle down. . At that time, many people had just been allocated public housing and were not in a hurry to spend a lot of money.
This villa area looks high-end, but in fact the occupancy rate is less than 10%, and the boss has lost a lot of money, so in addition to the salary of security guards and cleaning staff, the villa area usually has a lot of money. I didn’t keep up with the property management at all, and I didn’t see anyone walking around inside for most of the day.
/“Ba Xiaoshan, you still dare to come!” shouted someone over there, “Can we, dozens of people, still let you go?”
I smiled and said, “Three days have come. I’ll wait for you three financial backers to give me your money.” An answer. Are you going to surrender or be killed by me?”