don’t you stay at Xuanfeng Sect? As far as I know, the head of Xuanfeng Sect is appointed for life. Unless he dies or takes the initiative to step down, he will not be replaced. You are still alive but you are no longer the head of Xuanfeng Sect. “Sir, is it possible that you took the initiative to give up your position?” This kind of thing is incredible, like sitting on the throne of a dynasty and actually giving it up to someone else in your lifetime?

don’t you stay at Xuanfeng Sect? As far as I know, the head of Xuanfeng Sect is appointed for life. Unless he dies or takes the initiative to step down, he will not be replaced. You are still alive but you are no longer the head of Xuanfeng Sect. “Sir, is it possible that you took the initiative to give up your position?” This kind of thing is incredible, like sitting on the throne of a dynasty and actually giving it up to someone else in your lifetime?
“There are some past events here. It’s not convenient for me to tell you. If there is a chance in the future, you will naturally know about it.” Obviously, he didn’t want to say more about the secrets involved.
“Those at the door just now are probably from the Xuanfeng Sect. I heard the leader is called Yuan Zhu. Are they great?” Luo Qiong asked about other aspects at this time. Senior Guan shook his head and said, “It’s just some young disciples of the Xuanfeng Sect who think they are right just because they have learned a few things about the Xuanfeng Sect.”
/As soon as he said this, the fat man immediately laughed and shouted, “I thought he was very powerful. But even so, I came back to teach them how to behave!”
However, Senior Guan’s next words were like a bucket of cold water poured over the fat man’s head, and he heard him shake his head and say: “Although he is not very powerful, he is better than you guys! They are still better than each other, Xiaoshan is okay. You three are really no match for them, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as vastly different.”
The smile on the fat man’s face froze instantly, but he heard again. Senior Guan said: “But don’t worry, Xuanfeng Sect is a righteous sect after all. Disciples under the sect have strict rules after leaving the mortal world. If you hurt someone’s life without reason or provoke a serious incident, you will be severely punished. , so you don’t have to worry too much. Under normal circumstances, they won’t mess with you.”
We talked a lot. Senior Guan didn’t say much about the things we were interested in. There was always something hidden between his words. It was really getting late, so the brothers left the alley with the fragments. After casually finding a roadside noodle shop and eating something, we went back to our homes.
/Arrived home. I really can’t let go of the Qiqiao bottle thing. I always feel that there might be a big secret hidden in that sentence. If I want to find out, I have to do some research.
It’s just that I don’t have much information at hand. It would be great if there was a place like the library in the Immortal Mountain of Ke Yuan. This thought came to my mind while I was lying on the bed, but I changed my mind and smiled. Now, if the Immortal Mountain is owned by those monsters, it is impossible for me to enter. It would be great if I could get help from 507, but the barracks of Shanghai 507 probably regard me as their formidable enemy now. It would be strange if Situ and the others don’t kill me if I go.
I turned over, and a thought suddenly popped i