that as long as it is touched by his finger, the blood in the opponent’s body will immediately stop flowing. If the blood stops flowing, the person will die. But the most powerful thing is not this blood-cutting finger. , but the peacock feather. The name of the peacock feather is actually taken from the five-color brush of the ancient Chinese mythological figure Peacock God. It is said that this five-color brush can shake the heaven and the earth. One brush can make the sky collapse, and one brush can make the earth crack. Gods and monsters. No one can escape, and only a saint can deal with it. After the Peacock Ling technique is launched, the opponent is like a heavy weight, unable to move, and even if he wants to use it, there is nothing he can do

that as long as it is touched by his finger, the blood in the opponent’s body will immediately stop flowing. If the blood stops flowing, the person will die. But the most powerful thing is not this blood-cutting finger. , but the peacock feather. The name of the peacock feather is actually taken from the five-color brush of the ancient Chinese mythological figure Peacock God. It is said that this five-color brush can shake the heaven and the earth. One brush can make the sky collapse, and one brush can make the earth crack. Gods and monsters. No one can escape, and only a saint can deal with it. After the Peacock Ling technique is launched, the opponent is like a heavy weight, unable to move, and even if he wants to use it, there is nothing he can do
. Shi smiled and nodded and said: “Boy, it’s not that simple.”
As soon as I said this, I knew that the person controlling the body was replaced by an old monster, and he cast a doubtful look at me. The old monster just explained: “I dealt with Torii Santo back then. He was a character and his methods were very powerful. His peacock feather is a very powerful magic. What you just said is correct. But this move The most powerful part is when you use it.”
/“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked again without understanding.
“Generally speaking, when we cast spells, we either perform kneading techniques or recite incantations. This is the most basic, otherwise the spells cannot be used. But Peacock Ling’s move is different. When casting the spell, neither kneading techniques nor incantation is required. ”
/If this is the case, how can the spell be successful? Doesn’t it violate the basic principles?” I asked again strangely.
“Haha, I don’t know about this either. But I observed carefully when he used it in front of me, and it was true that he didn’t recite the spell or pinch the technique. In other words, he used this move in front of me. I didn’t even You can see how he uses it. It is precisely because no one can see how he casts this move, and they don’t know when he will use it, so there is no way to guard against it once he is hit by the peacock feather. If his breath is blocked, he can only wait for death. With the blood-severing finger, it can be said that it is easy to kill people. However, I do know a little bit about the origin of this move. He was the gatekeeper of Longhu Mountain for three years, and returned home after three years of illness. At that time, he was known as a good and honest person in Longhu Mountain, and he did not learn magic, so when he left, No one suspected him. Longhushan let him go down the mountain without even checking his package. But something happened when he was let go. In fact, he had been secretly learning two forbidden arts for the past three years, but he had to check this person when he went down the mountain. He didn’t dare to practice because he just peeked a little every day and silently recorded it for three years. He peeked at two forbidden books and rewrote two before going down the mountain. Because he had a good reputa