as not only because of his love for martial arts, but also because he wanted to use the sect’s strength to establish his status in the family.

To put it bluntly, you are not recognized by the master and have not been included in the boxing book. No matter how important your master is to you, you are just a peripheral disciple in the master. If you have not made a world or career, others will look at you more. Neither is willing.
But if you are entered into the boxing manual, the master will inform most of the sects and families. When you meet disciples from other sects in the future, they will look at you highly, and you also have the right to interact as equals.
/This may not seem important, but it is actually very important.
Just as Wei Xiaobei came to visit at this time, Li Kunyang called Huaxia early, investigated Wei Xiaobei’s information, and learned that Wei Xiaobei had indeed recorded the boxing records of Cangzhou Baji before he put up such a formation. Welcome this direct disciple of Cangzhou Baji.
Otherwise, with Leanne’s life-saving grace, Li Kunyang could just send some money and drink some tea, and that would be it. Why would he waste all this effort?
“What a talented person! Uncle Cheng really didn’t lie to me.”
Li Kunyang seemed quite enthusiastic and pulled Wei Xiaobei to greet his disciple.
Wei Xiaobei’s only doubt was, why did Li Kunyang call his master uncle?
Li Kunyang came to Paris to establish a martial arts school. Over the years, he also recruited many direct disciples. The disciples who could follow him out to greet guests were all direct disciples.
I don’t know if it’s because Wei Xiaobei came with a gift, which looked too much like a son-in-law. At least half of the more than ten disciples looked at Wei Xiaobei, their noses were not noses, and their eyes were not eyes, with a look of dissatisfaction on their faces. appearance.
I don’t know if it’s because Wei Xiaobei came with a gift, which looked too much like a son-in-law. At least half of the more than ten disciples looked at Wei Xiaobei, their noses were not noses, and their eyes were not eyes, with a look of dissatisfaction on their faces. appearance.
“This is your Uncle Wei. From now on, no matter where you see your Uncle Wei, you must hold the disciple’s ceremony. Do you understand?”
Who is Li Kunyang? Being able to go abroad alone and build this foundation has made him a well-known name in the Chinese community in Paris. Countless foreigners are rushing to enter the martial arts gym to study.
Why couldn’t he see his disciple’s thoughts?
It should be said that Li Kunyang had some thoughts on choosing a son-in-law from his apprentices before, but maybe he responded with one sentence: “Tiger father and dog son.”
Li Kunyang is considered a well-known martial arts master even in China, but among the apprentices he has accepted in France, whether they are Chinese or French, their martial arts talents are far behind that of his master Li Kunyang.
Therefore, after investigating for a period of time, Li Kunyang gave up t