urious compound is designed for the families of foreign princes. Seminarians of the Middle Kingdom’s level have their own properties around the capital. The medium-sized private courtyard is convenient for the temporary residence of county guards, fellow magistrates and the like.

urious compound is designed for the families of foreign princes. Seminarians of the Middle Kingdom’s level have their own properties around the capital. The medium-sized private courtyard is convenient for the temporary residence of county guards, fellow magistrates and the like.
The independent courtyard is a bit more complicated. In addition to people from the government, especially wealthy people can live here.
The rows of bungalows and courtyards are where the worse people live. Of course, if someone likes to climb high and overlook the distance, and can’t live here anymore, they can live in the guesthouse.
/Although there are many buildings, they are too large to cover the area. There are six carriage rental points in the villa. If the seminarians and their families want to visit each other, they may need carriages.
Chaoyang Villa alone can accommodate 2,000 seminarians’ family members. If it were placed at Bo’s Hospital, it would be able to accommodate basically all the seminarians’ families.
There are not too many seminarians in Chaoyang Daxiu Hall, more than 5,000 people, and including the trainees and doctoral students, it is only more than 6,000, but the villa that hosts them is so big.
Kong Zongyu came at the wrong time. With her rank, she could live in a small independent courtyard. However, it was the year of the celebration, and there were many people coming to the capital. Many of the professor’s family members brought their families to visit.
The small and medium-sized single-family homes are all full, and there are two luxury homes left. However, Mr. Kong is not of a high enough level, so even if they let them stay, she won’t be able to pay back the debt when she goes back.
So she simply chose the guest dormitory. It must be pointed out that the guest dormitory was actually full. It was only because she showed her identity as the chief teaching officer of the college that she occupied the two reserved rooms in the education system.
After spending too much time on the flying boat, the two of them arranged to check in. It was almost the end of Xu. Li Yongsheng took a casual bath and stood at the entrance of the corridor waiting for Mr. Kong.
Kong Shujie only came out in the early days of Haichu. She also took a bath. Although she was middle-aged, her face was radiant, as beautiful as a girl, and she had the charm of a mature woman.
/“Have you been waiting for a long time?” She smiled slightly and walked downstairs, “Today I want you to experience the nightlife of the Imperial Capital.”
The nightlife here? Li Yongsheng smiled slightly and didn’t say much. Compared with the earth world, your place is a cultural desert.
After going downstairs, Kong Shujie called a carriage and left the monastery directly.
She is not a local, but she has been to the capital so many times that the unfamiliar things have become familiar to her.
The carriage ran for half an hour and arrived at a brightly lit place. Four lanterns were hung on the door and there were four big words written on it, “La