ior,” Boss Zhu cupped his hands and spoke respectfully, “I haven’t done that before. I knew that senior was here and it was my fault for not taking care of the people under my command. Please forgive me, senior.”

ior,” Boss Zhu cupped his hands and spoke respectfully, “I haven’t done that before. I knew that senior was here and it was my fault for not taking care of the people under my command. Please forgive me, senior.”
If I didn’t say that this guy is hateful, he faced the orphan Li Yongsheng and wanted the whole world to know how arrogant he was. Now that I have met him The ones who couldn’t be offended were the seniors who kept shouting at each other to be as well-behaved as possible.
“Beiguan Qin is not a big deal, but the Agriculture Department is not a big deal either,” Uncle Yi said calmly, “I don’t bully the younger generation like you, so as not to make a joke about Zhu, I bully the younger ones, but you…”
He raised his hand and pointed at the thin boy The old man hooked his fingers and pointed at the door, “Stand at the door.”
Hearing this, the thin old man took two steps back, his face turned pale, and he could only look at his boss helplessly, you You have to make the decision for me.
Boss Zhu’s face darkened, “What do you think I’ll do if you cause trouble?”
“Yeah,” Qin Tianzhu snorted disdainfully. This sentence alone proved that the boss who had food for food was a cold-natured person.
The thin old man didn’t dare to say anything more. He walked to the door tremblingly, and then secretly rushed out. He saw a white light hitting him, and he felt his chest shake, and he flew out.
While the person was still in the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out. After landing on the ground, he fainted.
At least seven or eight bones were broken, and others even heard a “clicking” sound.
The corner of Boss Zhu’s mouth twitched, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes – How dare you hit me in the face like this, I will remember it!
This is the case for a cold-blooded person. What he cares about most is not the injury of his subordinates, but his own face.
/“Fortunately, there is no dirty place to eat,” Uncle Yi muttered softly after knocking the person out, then turned to look at Boss Zhu and spoke with interest, “You seem to be holding a grudge against me, old man?” ”
I How dare you?” Boss Zhu tried his best to force out a smile, but it was uglier than crying – has he ever been slapped in the face like this since he was a child?
But under the low wall, how dare you not bow your head? “Senior taught him a good lesson. I’ll give him a long memory and less trouble for our Zhu family.”
“Zhu family?” Uncle Yi snorted disdainfully, “Not just any surname can be called home, don’t I am so proud of myself.”
/This is not true. Although people talk about the Zhang family, the Wang family, the Li family, etc., in the eyes of a true superior, how dare you call yourself a family without cultivating yourself?
Dare to call a department-level cadre a senior cadre? That’s what I mean.
“I’ve learned a lesson,” Boss Zhu squeezed out three words through gritted teeth and lowered his head – he couldn’t do it without lowering his head. If the anger in his eyes was seen by this old guy, he would be in big trouble.