lice officers who think about being transferred to the party committee and government all day long. “

lice officers who think about being transferred to the party committee and government all day long. ”
/Secretary Lu, please stop praising me, I will blush.”
??”Why are you blushing? You didn’t drink.”
An old secretary who was highly respected by the masses was very likely to withdraw from the political stage. Han Bo was a little disappointed and felt Empty, I returned to the police station dormitory, holding my beloved girlfriend in my arms and not sleeping well all night.
The wedding will be held tomorrow, and Ma Zhigong’s family is the busiest time, so there is no need to cause trouble. I made a phone call to find out the exact location of the wedding hotel, find a hotel nearby to stay, and calm down to prepare for the self-study exam in a few days.
Li Xiaolei went to school and it was already 6 pm when she returned to the hotel. She was about to go down to find a place to eat when Lao Lu called.
“Xiao Han, you should really thank Mayor Hou. After you come back, we will go to Nanzhou together. We must thank you in person and wish Mayor Hou a good year.” The
tone changed again, excited and joyful, as you can imagine He was lively on the other end of the phone.
Han Bo couldn’t help laughing and asked: “Secretary Lu, the county party committee agreed?”
“We took the initiative to help the county solve its difficulties and took the initiative to help the county solve the three long-standing problems of Dinghu Lizhuang and Yongyang. Secretary Xie and County Magistrate Yang are very happy. They are very supportive and speak highly of our “Western Development”. Considering that a lot of preparatory work needs to be done for the withdrawal and merger, Secretary Xie and County Magistrate Yang instructed us to proceed in two steps. We will first upgrade the township to a town, and first implement the withdrawal of each village And, merge the current more than 20 villages into six, elect the village committees of the six large villages, and stabilize the rear area before merging them. The future name of the town has not yet been decided, Secretary Xie said that it must be considered Due to the feelings of the people in Dinghu, it was suggested to call it Dingliang Town. Our Liangzhuang has a long history. Can we change it to this nondescript name? No! I tried my best to fight for it, but he had no choice, so he said we would discuss it later. Also, I am the party secretary Basically, it’s over. After being upgraded to a town, the county will have to adjust. There is a high hope that Mayor Jiao will succeed me, so there shouldn’t be any changes.”
As expected, Han Bo asked: “What about you?”
Just wait. Asked by your boy, Lao Lu smiled triumphantly and said: “For other township party committee secretaries, they would usually be removed from their current positions, no longer arrange administrative work, no longer conduct attendance checks, and just let them go home to retire. I, Lu Huisheng, am not an ordinary person. Secretary of the Township Party Committee, the county cannot do without me for such a m