Archives March 2024

wine and meat flowing through his intestines, plus hugging him from left to right, and playing music every night. The drain on his body cannot be underestimated. Now when you are young and your body is growing, there is nothing serious. But when you get older, you may become a fat loser. For the long-term happiness and sex/good fortune in the future, you must not neglect this kind of physical exercise. of.

wine and meat flowing through his intestines, plus hugging him from left to right, and playing music every night. The drain on his body cannot be underestimated. Now when you are young and your body is growing, there is nothing serious. But when you get older, you may become a fat loser. For the long-term happiness and sex/good fortune in the future, you must not neglect this kind of physical exercise. of.
When it comes to what he says, Wang Bo is also a resolute person. On the same day, he found a well-equipped fitness center near Jinchang and applied for a one-year membership card. That afternoon, Wang Bo brought his own sports equipment and led his two girlfriends who wanted to watch him work out. They exercised for two hours in the gym and broke out in a stinky sweat.
When Wang Bo put on his gloves and punched the sandbags like rain, hitting dozens or hundreds of kilograms of sandbags into the air again and again, Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui both covered their mouths, their beautiful eyes He opened his eyes wide with a look of disbelief on his face. Although the two heard Wang Bo tell about the dangerous situation on the 1st day and had the wounds on his hands as proof, they still felt it was not real since they had not seen it with their own eyes. Then as time passed, the two of them began to feel more and more unreal, and even privately discussed whether Wang Bo had lied to them for the sake of face. Otherwise, since he had won the battle, why would he have fled as embarrassed as if he had been chased by a dog? Woolen cloth?
/Now, seeing Wang Bo’s powerful fists, his flowing steps and ghostly dodges when he hit the sandbag, the two of them were shocked. They felt incredible and at the same time they realized that their boyfriend did not lie to them, nor did he. Telling stories, but really a one-on-three skill!
The punches never leave his hands and the songs never leave his mouth. Wang Bo, who had not exercised in the past month, only stayed in the gym for two hours and felt out of breath and sweating profusely. Whether it was the weight of his fists or the flexibility of his steps, he was far from his peak a month ago. The status has dropped a lot.
“It seems that I have to exercise more often in the future. Try to come here to exercise two to three times a week.” While taking a shower in the club’s shower room, Wang Bo secretly made up his mind.
Of course, for him now, going into battle with others with bare arms is always the last resort when he is forced to do anything. In contemporary society, the top priority to avoid unnecessary trouble is never to compare with someone’s fist, but the “three no’s principle”:
1: Don’t go to dangerous places;
2: Don’t contact dangerous people;
3: Don’t do dangerous things thing.
In the words of the ancients, it is called “subduing the enemy’s army without fighting”, or “a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall”.
In modern terms, it is called “pretend less/b and suffer less.”
The accident on the 1st was said to be an accident, but in fact half of

e only once-a-year extracurricular activity. For newcomers who are divided into departments, grades, and all the students in the school participate in the grand party, it is even more thrilling and feels like sitting on pins and needles. Many people, even good students like Wang Bo who loved learning, couldn’t sit still and left one after another, one by one, towards the large playground where the opening music was playing.

e only once-a-year extracurricular activity. For newcomers who are divided into departments, grades, and all the students in the school participate in the grand party, it is even more thrilling and feels like sitting on pins and needles. Many people, even good students like Wang Bo who loved learning, couldn’t sit still and left one after another, one by one, towards the large playground where the opening music was playing.
/Wang Bo remembered that he persisted in the study room for about half an hour, and then he couldn’t hold on anymore and started to pack his things and prepare to escape. Before leaving, he glanced at Zheng Yan opposite him. That day, the other party was wearing a black down jacket, still had long hair shawl, and was reading a book attentively, as if he was not affected by the stirring music outside at all.
/The New Year’s Day party officially starts at 7pm. The party was titled “Feng Zheng Young”, a name that was a bit strange. Wang Bo still didn’t quite understand its meaning but still remembered it. There was no speech from the leader or the principal. After a short opening speech by the male and female hosts in costumes, the party was officially started.
The first is the theatrical performance. All the actors perform on a rectangular open-air stage about one meter above the ground. The open-air stage was set up a day in advance, and the surrounding roofs were covered with various spotlights, neon lights, and dry ice making machines, making it look very professional. At least in the eyes of Wang Bo, a bumpkin at the time, he looked very high-class, giving him the illusion of being at a celebrity’s concert.
It’s that kind of stage.
Wang Bo couldn’t remember exactly what was performed on the stage that night after so many years. It was probably nothing more than singing, dancing, cross talk, and skits.
Wang Bo remembered that he first jumped into the crowd of people and drove the train for a while. When he was so tired that he was out of breath, he started standing where the train passed by, pretending to be an arch bridge and beating people, and patted them one by one, just like patting a watermelon. It was a blast to shoot.
Suddenly, Wang Bo found a very familiar face in the train heading towards him, Zheng Yan! Wang Bo was immediately shocked and hesitant, not knowing whether he should bravely take the photo or let the other person go. In the end, with his heartbeat several times faster than usual, he couldn’t resist the urge to touch the other person. When Zheng Yan rushed past him, he gently, like a lover’s touch, touched his His right hand landed on the other person’s head, and he patted it gently but not hard. After taking the photo, Wang Bo was both happy and scared, worried that Zheng Yan would be unhappy. However, Zheng Yan turned back and stared at him, raised the corners of her mouth and smiled.
This smile warmed him forever. He is just an ordinary outsider, with a monthly living expenses of less than 200 yuan. He can only buy one portion of winter melon bones a week to

and “accept punishment and accept the beating.”

and “accept punishment and accept the beating.”
Thank you very much to my friend “Soy Sauce who loves reading novels” for the generous reward of 1,000 starting coins!
/Thanks to brother “Silly Whisperer 1” for the 500 starting coins!
Thanks also to Wolf Dance in the Wind, Might and Magic WoG, Duxing Drinking, zufu4000, and the five brothers and sisters of Qihoo shareholders for their generosity!
Thank you for all your subscriptions.
After the friends of Tout and Tout gathered together for dinner, the entire high school career was really over. All that was left was the college entrance examination score check at the end of June and the review of the college entrance examination admission notice. wait.
But Wang Bo didn’t care much about this.
But Wang Bosi thought about it and finally rejected the invitation from the two editors-in-chief. Now that he has become powerful and his wings have hardened, he does not need to rely on magazines to borrow power. On the contrary, magazines are extremely eager to use his power to increase their subscriptions. But if Wang Boruo chooses to serialize it in a magazine first, he will suffer a lot. At least there are nearly half a million subscribers of “Science Fiction World” who have read his serialized novels. Except for a few die-hard fans, others will not buy his novels. New book published. “Once Upon a Time on Earth” is a novel with nearly 300,000 words, priced at more than 20 yuan per copy. Even if it’s 20 yuan, according to the royalty agreement with the author’s publishing house, he can get at least 3 yuan in royalties for each book. If he sells less than 500,000 copies, it will be more than 1 million!
And if he chooses to serialize “Science Fiction World” in “Science Fiction World”, how much royalties can he be given? The standard fee for the previous short stories is 200 yuan/thousand words. For a novel of 300,000 words, “Science Fiction World” will only give him a royalties of 60,000 yuan at most! Even if he were to raise his price according to the standards of a top-notch writer now, it would not exceed one hundred thousand!
One hundred thousand versus more than one million, which is more important is almost a question that does not need to be considered.
After sending the manuscript to Cheng Wenjin, Wang Bo finally let go of a major issue on his mind. “Once Upon a Time on Earth”, the first part of “The Three-Body Problem”, took him more than a year. He was absolutely striving for perfection, and the quality even surpassed the previous two short stories and the novella. Now that there is no first-tier dealer of “Science Fiction World” and second-tier dealer of “Grudge”, Wang Bo is very much looking forward to the sales of his new book and the millions of profits that will follow!
“Lili, are you at home? It’s almost noon, let’s go out to have a meal together.” After the call was connected, Wang Bo said straight to the point.
/“I’m sorry, Zian, I don’t know how to speak.” Sun Li sounded a little hesitant on the phone, and the background was

ut luckily they shot it down in time.

ut luckily they shot it down in time.
Zhu Tong did not stay in the cliff for long. After coming out, Yin Kuangzheng and Qian Qianqian were fighting with the top. She vented her anger on being kicked away on A Cang and Isha who were a little slower. In order to escape, Acang cast a delaying spell to hold Yisha back, allowing her to withstand Zhu Tong’s attack, while he himself crushed a precious teleportation magic scroll and slipped away. Poor Yisha, whose movements were hindered after being hit by a slowing curse, was split in half by Zhu Tong and fell to the ground unwillingly.
Yin Kuang and Qian Qianqian landed quietly.
/Yin Kuang pointed his sword directly at Zhu Tong.
/Yuan Fangfang shouted: “Why are you like this!? Why did you attack the eldest sister? It was all because of you that Victor ran away. Did you mean it?”
Qian Qianqian was very angry, “Bitch! You If you keep talking nonsense, do you believe I will burn you to ashes with a fire?” ”
“Yuan Fangfang was scolded by Qian Qianqian, and when she met Qian Qianqian’s angry eyes, she wilted. He muttered something angrily.
Zhu Tong smiled and looked at the tip of the green sword in front of her, and slowly inserted the samurai sword that was not stained by a drop of blood into the scabbard, “What a pity.” She didn’t know if she was feeling pity for Victor’s escape. , or feeling sorry for something else.
Yin Kuang took back the Qingzhi Sword and said calmly: “Next time, I won’t even give you a chance to regret it.” After saying that, he took Qian Qianqian and walked away.
Zhu Tong snorted lightly, “Let’s go.”
This time, Tang Rouyu and the others learned well. The main combat forces, such as Tang Rouyu, Bai Lu, and several people from Nanhai University, surrounded the leaders of the Black Armored Army, preventing them from having the opportunity to join the army. One black-armored female general is enough for everyone, and no one wants another one.
Only then did Yin Kuang understand why the black-armored female general would rather die in battle than pursue Jason. Because there is no need for that at all. Instead, she stayed and held back Yin Kuang and others, which was more conducive for other black-armored sergeants to deal with Jason and others.
When Yin Kuang arrived, Tang Rouyu and Bai Lu were working together to kill a burly man in dark red armor. That man was obviously the commander of the infantry. On the side of Nanhai University, several powerful combat forces were fighting fiercely with the commander of the cavalry. When Victor joined, the cavalry commander dismounted Victor and was instantly hacked to death.
Those black-armored sergeants are also weird. Even though they no longer have the command of the commander-in-chief, they are still fearless and attack like chickens. However, their only advantage is their large number. For colleges and universities, their individual combat effectiveness does not need to be taken into consideration. Eliminating them is just a matter of time. However, even so, everyone did not inte

thing now is not the time to punish this guy, but how to get out as soon as possible, end with dignity, and not get out of hand.

thing now is not the time to punish this guy, but how to get out as soon as possible, end with dignity, and not get out of hand.
Zhong Jiahui began to make gestures, indicating to Wang Bo to put on his clothes first, and then pointed in the direction of the door, meaning that the two of them should go out first and then talk.
At this time, Wang Bo had no choice but to bid farewell to Wenwen Township for the time being, no matter how hard he was to leave his hometown and no matter how much he wanted to continue to “work hard”. He pulled out the carrots that had just been planted a few minutes ago from Zhong Jiahui’s body. “Boo”, a slight sound, like pulling the cork out of a red wine bottle, sounded in the quiet room. Zhong Jiahui was immediately ashamed and kept silent. I pinched him again and then hurriedly started to put on my clothes. Not long ago, when Wang Bo took off her clothes, because he was too impatient, he only unbuttoned the pajamas on top, and only took off one trouser leg of the pajamas and pantyhose underneath, and the other one was still hanging on the ankle, and the front Soon it swayed in the air for a long time with the boy’s movements, but it was not completely off, which made it easier for her to dress.
Zhong Jiahui was not completely undressed, so she was good at dressing; but it was a bit difficult for Wang Bo, who was naked and numb. Just now, he not only took off all three pieces of clothing on his body, but also threw the three pieces of clothing on Zhang Xinyue like a goddess scattering flowers. One of them, the smallest one, even covered the other person’s head.
“Crime, sin, sin! Senior Sister Xinyue, please don’t blame me. Who told you to stay silent and make me think that you are Xiaoya who is pretending to be dead!” Wang Bo bent over, hunched his neck, stretched out his hands, He went to grab the clothes he had just thrown out, and at the same time prayed in his heart, praying that Zhang Xinyue would just pretend to be dead and never look back.
/Wang Bo’s prayer came true. When he took off his pajamas, pajamas, pajamas, and underwear from Zhang Xinyue’s body and head, the other party still didn’t make any sound. It was just when he leaned his body sideways and got closer to the other party. When, the other party’s suppressed and short breathing clearly told the girl’s nervousness at this time!
Wang Bo got back his clothes and put them on quickly, and then the two of them started to get out of bed and go out.
As soon as I got out of bed, the bedroom door suddenly opened and a tall shadow walked out. The three of them were already very familiar with each other. Even though they couldn’t see each other’s faces because of the darkness, they recognized each other based on their height and general outline. Zhong Jiahui hurriedly walked up, took Liang Ya’s hand and walked out. Wang Bo quickly followed behind him and closed the door. It was just that the door was closed loudly, and there was a soft “bang” sound in the darkness, startling the three people who were tiptoeing.

e to school alone to find Wang Bo. Chen Xiang and Wu Xue looked at each other, and they both saw some suspicion in each other’s eyes. Chen Xiang knew that Wang Bo had two close lovers besides Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui, his upright girlfriends. Except that Wu Xue didn’t know that Zhong Jiahui was also Wang Bo’s girlfriend, the rest was almost the same as what Chen Xiang knew. Sometimes, the two of them would secretly guess who the two girls they “caught” having sex with Wang Bo in the bathroom of the apartment last year during the winter vacation were. Among them, the two most suspicious ones were Wen Xiaohan and Sun Mengyao, the two top students in his class. If Wen Xiaohan is Wang Bo’s lover, it would not be surprising if the other party comes to see Wang Bo today.

e to school alone to find Wang Bo. Chen Xiang and Wu Xue looked at each other, and they both saw some suspicion in each other’s eyes. Chen Xiang knew that Wang Bo had two close lovers besides Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui, his upright girlfriends. Except that Wu Xue didn’t know that Zhong Jiahui was also Wang Bo’s girlfriend, the rest was almost the same as what Chen Xiang knew. Sometimes, the two of them would secretly guess who the two girls they “caught” having sex with Wang Bo in the bathroom of the apartment last year during the winter vacation were. Among them, the two most suspicious ones were Wen Xiaohan and Sun Mengyao, the two top students in his class. If Wen Xiaohan is Wang Bo’s lover, it would not be surprising if the other party comes to see Wang Bo today.
Wang Bo didn’t understand the series of associations Chen Xiang and Wu Xue had in their minds after seeing Wen Xiaohan. As soon as the two came back, he couldn’t wait to urge them to take action, saying that he was really hungry. He even participated in the cooking and became the chef himself.
During lunch, Wen Xiaohan wanted to change the topic to the suffering senior sister Zheng Yan, but when Wang Bo quickly diverted her conversation with other topics, she stopped talking.
/After having lunch and cleaning up the pots and pans, Chen Xiang and Wu Xue went back to the house rented by Chen Xiang to rest as usual. As soon as the two girls walked out of the door of Wang Bo’s apartment, Wu Xue, who had been holding back for noon, couldn’t help but poked Chen Xiang’s waist with her hand and said excitedly:
“Hey, Xiangxiang, do you think Wen Xiaohan is Wang Bo’s love/ /Human? I feel so! Have you noticed that the way Wen Xiaohan looked at Wang Bo several times was tender and tender, exactly like the way a girl looks at her boyfriend.” “Really
? Why didn’t I notice?” Chen Xiang was a little absent-minded. , at this time, her head was full of thoughts about what Wang Bo would do with Wen Xiaohan after she left? Will Wang Bo do to Wen Xiaohan what he did to her? Something even further?
When she thought of this possibility, Chen Xiang felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart, feeling a sense of grievance of being abandoned.
However, this feeling of abandonment did not last long in her heart. Chen Xiang quickly became alert and asked herself:
“What’s wrong with me? Didn’t he confess to himself that he was addicted to sex? There are two more Are you a lover like yourself? Even if Wen Xiaohan is one of Wang Bo’s lovers, she is before you? What do you have to feel wronged about? Before you agreed to be his girlfriend, how did you treat this? You should be mentally prepared for everything?
“Besides, Wen Xiaohan and him didn’t meet or get close to each other that much. Not even you!” In the past six months, when the two of them were together in private, wasn’t this the only time you met them? And you, as long as he is in Shuangqing, you have to meet him almost every day! What else are you dissatisfied with? ”
/Thinking about this, Chen Xiang quickly

up and rushed into the rain.

up and rushed into the rain.
Wearing only a white shirt, Zheng Yan stood at the door of the shop with her arms folded, anxiously and nervously watching the man rushing into the violent storm. There were many cars on the road, many of them driving very fast. There were no red street lights on this stretch of road. When Wang Bo was crossing the road, countless cars passed by him, which made Zheng Yan’s heart tighten.
Suddenly, with a “squeak” sound, a red Santana stopped in front of Wang Bo.
“Want to die? I want to die and I will help you!” The car window rolled down, revealing a man with a sinister face and yelling curses. The next moment, Santana left again.
Zheng Yan felt that all the blood in her body was about to solidify. She couldn’t bear it anymore and rushed into the torrential rain without thinking.
I would also like to thank Weibo Xuxu, g fat my treasure, Twilight of the Gods sz, kak, the lonely wind tiger, you who love reading, perseverance light years, new 888, 9 brothers and sisters for their generous rewards!
/Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted for recommendations and voted for monthly votes!
It was already a few minutes later when Wang Bo drove the BMW and drove the trembling girl, who was soaked with water and hugging her shoulders, to the door of her unit.
“Go up and change your clothes quickly. Be careful not to catch a cold.” Looking at the shivering girl, Wang Bo looked distressed. In just a minute or two, Zheng Yan, who was following him, was soaked in the rain. He himself was okay because he was covered by Zheng Yan’s coat. Except for his pants, which got a lot wet, most of his long-sleeved shirts were dry.
“Yes!” Zheng Yan nodded with trembling teeth. Until now, her mind was still blank. The scene where Wang Bo was almost hit by a car still kept echoing in her mind. The girl mechanically picked up her bag, picked up her coat, and paused while opening the car door. Wang Bo’s heart suddenly tightened, and he thought, “Leave me here. If you leave me, I’ll follow you up.”
However, the girl didn’t say anything. The next second, the car door opened and then closed again. Zheng Yan’s slim, full, and almost transparent body that was soaked by the heavy rain suddenly disappeared. not see.
“Alas” Wang Bo sighed, lamenting that God failed to fulfill his wishes. His original plan was that after the two of them had dinner, he would find an excuse to follow the girl home together. Unfortunately,
“Alas” Wang Bo sighed again, and simply laid down the car, lying on the back of the chair with his hands on the back of his head. His nose was still filled with a nice smell of incense. It was the smell of a girl’s coat. It smelled a little like gardenia, a little like lily, and a little like sweet-scented osmanthus, but it was neither. , that is just the smell of Zheng Yan, fragrant and long. With his eyes closed, Wang Bo opened his mouth and took a deep breath, trying to store the taste in his mouth for a long time and carve it into his mind.
He planned to rest for a while and wait

3th, in the past four months, he had never been “that” with Zheng Yan. When Liang Ya was still in China, his conscience, morality, guilt and self-blame for Liang Ya prevented him from finding a new love and forgetting about his old love to do that kind of thing with Zheng Yan.

3th, in the past four months, he had never been “that” with Zheng Yan. When Liang Ya was still in China, his conscience, morality, guilt and self-blame for Liang Ya prevented him from finding a new love and forgetting about his old love to do that kind of thing with Zheng Yan.
But now, with both Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui having forgiven him, Wang Bo felt that he no longer needed to be patient and restrain the desire that he had called countless times in his heart.
/Tonight, he planned to renew his relationship with Zheng Yan, rebuild the old relationship, and get the relationship between the two back on the normal track.
Thanks to “kevinzkr” for the generous reward of 500 starting coins!
Thanks to “book friend 20170824104954772” for the generous reward of 500 starting coins!
Thanks also to Might and Magic wog, Quietly 5242, Huanda, and three brothers and sisters for their generous rewards!
Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted for recommendations and voted for monthly votes!
“Dang, dang, dang,” Wang Bo returned to the apartment and handed a bouquet of red roses to the girl who was staring at the screen and typing. “Do you like it, Yanzi, I’ll give it to you!” Wang Bo said to the girl with a bright smile.
“Ah” Zheng Yan was shocked, staring at the roses that were as gorgeous as a ball of fire in front of her, she was in a daze, and there was a hint of tears in her bright and deep eyes. “I like it,” the girl said softly as she took the red rose.
“You won’t be moved by a bouquet of roses, right?” Zheng Yan’s expression surprised Wang Bo, and he quickly began to blame himself. It’s been almost half a year since the other party officially became his girlfriend, and he hasn’t even given the girl a bouquet of flowers! Although Zheng Yan is not the kind of vain girl who likes to show off and likes her boyfriend to do all kinds of tricks to please her and make her happy, but a boyfriend like him who is not romantic at all is really a bit like that.
/Fortunately, it is not too late to remedy the situation.
“Yanzi, let’s go out to eat together tonight. Just the two of us. I heard that the buffet at Jinyuan Hotel is good. Today we will try the buffet at Jinyuan Hotel, and then we will stay there at night. You can give it to uncle and aunt later. How about making a phone call and saying that you are on a temporary business trip today?” Wang Bo, who had his hands on the partition wall of Zheng Yan’s desk, winked at the girl.
Zheng Yan looked at the rose with water drops in her hand, and then at the boy in front of her who was staring at her expectantly. Finally, her eyes fell on the computer screen. There was a word document on it. In the center, there are three Chinese characters in bold and black:
resignation letter.
“Yes.” Zheng Yan minimized the word document, buried her face in the fragrant red roses, and hummed softly. The tears that had been in her eyes for a long time finally couldn’t help but roll down.
“Okay! Now I’m going to answer some emails first. We’ll set off at almost five o’cl

when you grow up, it is best to participate less, it will be no good.”

when you grow up, it is best to participate less, it will be no good.”
Han Xuan could tell that he was sincerely warning him as an elder, and did not excuse himself by saying that he did not know the content of the fraternity party. Participate, and said while getting dressed: “I understand, thank you.”
/The old man Soros has a round face, looks harmless, and has an amiable smile. He is now 65 years old, and his hair has turned gray.
He was holding a reddish-brown cane in his hand, and was wearing the same white shirt and black suit that remained unchanged all year round.
Walking along the path, away from the crazy stadium party, he then said to Han Xuan: “Recently, a short-selling copper futures order of up to US$8 billion suddenly appeared on the London Metal Exchange. Don’t you think this scene is familiar? For example, there was a $7 billion short-selling order in Mexico. At that time, I thought it was you. Later, after asking a few friends, I found out that it was you. Han, what you did is a bit You’re being a rogue. We are fighting in front, while you are hiding behind and secretly plundering the fruits of our victory.”
This old man has already pointed out himself. He even knows the amount of short selling. He must be completely sure, and there is no need to deny it in front of Soros. use.
Han Xuan said calmly: “I heard from the company’s financial analysts that copper prices may fall in the near future, so I bought some short orders. You didn’t come all the way just to tell me about this, right? We in Provi Dens City is close to the Atlantic Ocean, and the seafood tastes pretty good. Have you eaten? Let’s go and enjoy dinner together.”
“I’m allergic to seafood, and I’ve already eaten it on the plane, thank you.”
Han Xuan wanted to curse for a moment, he It’s not a reminder, it’s just an honest threat to myself.
Once Soros and others stop, Japan’s Sumitomo Consortium will definitely try their best to raise the price of copper. By then, it will definitely be too late to sell those short orders.
If the principal amount of one billion US dollars is forcibly liquidated, the bank may still be owed money. This time, the futures leverage scattered among more than a dozen brokerages is too large.
There was absolutely no way to resolve this threat. Han Xuan raised his hands in surrender and said, “Okay, I’ll lose to you too, so why lose both sides. Let me hear your request. What do you want from me?”
” Funds. We currently lack a large amount of funds to continue fighting with the Sumitomo Foundation. If you can provide funds to participate, I don’t mind taking you to get a share of the pie this time. First, I made a large sum from Mexico, and some time ago from Japan made a lot of money. Although I don’t know where you hid the money, you definitely have money, that’s for sure.”
Soros said bluntly without hiding it.
Han Xuan was silent for a while and asked him: “How much do you want?”
“About 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. With this money, I can reduce the world copper price by another 75 U.S.

fted the ban on school closures for more than a month. She knew this. The other party and his girlfriend have not seen each other for more than a month (to be precise, they have not been in contact, but they have met, because every now and then, the other party will bring a large bag of fruits, snacks, braised vegetables, and delicious food packaged from outside restaurants through the school gate) The stainless steel retractable door was handed to Liang Ya, euphemistically called “delivering supplies”. What they would do in the evening after meeting was almost unnecessary to think about.

fted the ban on school closures for more than a month. She knew this. The other party and his girlfriend have not seen each other for more than a month (to be precise, they have not been in contact, but they have met, because every now and then, the other party will bring a large bag of fruits, snacks, braised vegetables, and delicious food packaged from outside restaurants through the school gate) The stainless steel retractable door was handed to Liang Ya, euphemistically called “delivering supplies”. What they would do in the evening after meeting was almost unnecessary to think about.
However, it is one thing to be prepared, and another thing to have it figured out. As a beautiful girl who has been noticed, praised, praised and pursued by countless members of the opposite sex since she was a child, she undoubtedly has beautiful visions and dreams for love. But in all her yearnings and dreams for love, not one of them involved sharing the same man with another woman!
/Liang Ya’s lack of presence in their lives over the past month or so made her almost forget the other’s existence. It wasn’t until the group of young men and women pouring out of the Xizheng school gate yesterday that she was reminded that this period of time was like paradise. Ordinary sweet dreams, maybe you should wake up.
The listless look of the boy in front of her this morning undoubtedly confirmed this for her.
“Why, you didn’t sleep well last night?” Zheng Yan brought a bowl of hot gouache and a bowl of rice noodles to Wang Bo and asked with a smile.
“I didn’t sleep well. I drank a lot of wine with the guys in the dormitory last night, and I was so dizzy. I even vomited once when I got home. I was tossing and turning all night,” Wang Bo said with a smile.
His words made Zheng Yan feel relieved inexplicably, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed to have another explanation.
After breakfast, the two of them worked separately.
When it was almost noon, Chen Xiang and Wu Xue came over to cook as usual, and Zheng Yan stopped what she was doing to help.
At twelve o’clock, Zhang Xinyue also came over and also joined in helping.
But Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui were nowhere to be found.
“Senior Sister Xinyue, please call Xiaoya and Jiahui and ask them to come over quickly. We have the last dish and we can eat soon.” Seeing that Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui were not here yet, they were cooking in aprons. Chen Xiang asked Zhang Xinyue to make a call.
Zhang Xinyue took out her mobile phone and called Zhong Jiahui. A few minutes later, Zhang Xinyue told everyone with a look of regret that Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui had gone shopping and asked everyone to eat slowly without waiting for them.
Others didn’t think much about this. Wang Bo, who was sitting in front of the computer browsing the web while listening to Zhang Xinyue’s phone call, felt a thump in his heart, and his mood became increasingly bitter and heavy.
After lunch, the girls washed the dishes together. Chen Xiang, Wu Xue, and Zhang Xinyue left one after anothe