e to school alone to find Wang Bo. Chen Xiang and Wu Xue looked at each other, and they both saw some suspicion in each other’s eyes. Chen Xiang knew that Wang Bo had two close lovers besides Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui, his upright girlfriends. Except that Wu Xue didn’t know that Zhong Jiahui was also Wang Bo’s girlfriend, the rest was almost the same as what Chen Xiang knew. Sometimes, the two of them would secretly guess who the two girls they “caught” having sex with Wang Bo in the bathroom of the apartment last year during the winter vacation were. Among them, the two most suspicious ones were Wen Xiaohan and Sun Mengyao, the two top students in his class. If Wen Xiaohan is Wang Bo’s lover, it would not be surprising if the other party comes to see Wang Bo today.

e to school alone to find Wang Bo. Chen Xiang and Wu Xue looked at each other, and they both saw some suspicion in each other’s eyes. Chen Xiang knew that Wang Bo had two close lovers besides Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui, his upright girlfriends. Except that Wu Xue didn’t know that Zhong Jiahui was also Wang Bo’s girlfriend, the rest was almost the same as what Chen Xiang knew. Sometimes, the two of them would secretly guess who the two girls they “caught” having sex with Wang Bo in the bathroom of the apartment last year during the winter vacation were. Among them, the two most suspicious ones were Wen Xiaohan and Sun Mengyao, the two top students in his class. If Wen Xiaohan is Wang Bo’s lover, it would not be surprising if the other party comes to see Wang Bo today.
Wang Bo didn’t understand the series of associations Chen Xiang and Wu Xue had in their minds after seeing Wen Xiaohan. As soon as the two came back, he couldn’t wait to urge them to take action, saying that he was really hungry. He even participated in the cooking and became the chef himself.
During lunch, Wen Xiaohan wanted to change the topic to the suffering senior sister Zheng Yan, but when Wang Bo quickly diverted her conversation with other topics, she stopped talking.
/After having lunch and cleaning up the pots and pans, Chen Xiang and Wu Xue went back to the house rented by Chen Xiang to rest as usual. As soon as the two girls walked out of the door of Wang Bo’s apartment, Wu Xue, who had been holding back for noon, couldn’t help but poked Chen Xiang’s waist with her hand and said excitedly:
“Hey, Xiangxiang, do you think Wen Xiaohan is Wang Bo’s love/ /Human? I feel so! Have you noticed that the way Wen Xiaohan looked at Wang Bo several times was tender and tender, exactly like the way a girl looks at her boyfriend.” “Really
? Why didn’t I notice?” Chen Xiang was a little absent-minded. , at this time, her head was full of thoughts about what Wang Bo would do with Wen Xiaohan after she left? Will Wang Bo do to Wen Xiaohan what he did to her? Something even further?
When she thought of this possibility, Chen Xiang felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart, feeling a sense of grievance of being abandoned.
However, this feeling of abandonment did not last long in her heart. Chen Xiang quickly became alert and asked herself:
“What’s wrong with me? Didn’t he confess to himself that he was addicted to sex? There are two more Are you a lover like yourself? Even if Wen Xiaohan is one of Wang Bo’s lovers, she is before you? What do you have to feel wronged about? Before you agreed to be his girlfriend, how did you treat this? You should be mentally prepared for everything?
“Besides, Wen Xiaohan and him didn’t meet or get close to each other that much. Not even you!” In the past six months, when the two of them were together in private, wasn’t this the only time you met them? And you, as long as he is in Shuangqing, you have to meet him almost every day! What else are you dissatisfied with? ”
/Thinking about this, Chen Xiang quickly