fted the ban on school closures for more than a month. She knew this. The other party and his girlfriend have not seen each other for more than a month (to be precise, they have not been in contact, but they have met, because every now and then, the other party will bring a large bag of fruits, snacks, braised vegetables, and delicious food packaged from outside restaurants through the school gate) The stainless steel retractable door was handed to Liang Ya, euphemistically called “delivering supplies”. What they would do in the evening after meeting was almost unnecessary to think about.

fted the ban on school closures for more than a month. She knew this. The other party and his girlfriend have not seen each other for more than a month (to be precise, they have not been in contact, but they have met, because every now and then, the other party will bring a large bag of fruits, snacks, braised vegetables, and delicious food packaged from outside restaurants through the school gate) The stainless steel retractable door was handed to Liang Ya, euphemistically called “delivering supplies”. What they would do in the evening after meeting was almost unnecessary to think about.
However, it is one thing to be prepared, and another thing to have it figured out. As a beautiful girl who has been noticed, praised, praised and pursued by countless members of the opposite sex since she was a child, she undoubtedly has beautiful visions and dreams for love. But in all her yearnings and dreams for love, not one of them involved sharing the same man with another woman!
/Liang Ya’s lack of presence in their lives over the past month or so made her almost forget the other’s existence. It wasn’t until the group of young men and women pouring out of the Xizheng school gate yesterday that she was reminded that this period of time was like paradise. Ordinary sweet dreams, maybe you should wake up.
The listless look of the boy in front of her this morning undoubtedly confirmed this for her.
“Why, you didn’t sleep well last night?” Zheng Yan brought a bowl of hot gouache and a bowl of rice noodles to Wang Bo and asked with a smile.
“I didn’t sleep well. I drank a lot of wine with the guys in the dormitory last night, and I was so dizzy. I even vomited once when I got home. I was tossing and turning all night,” Wang Bo said with a smile.
His words made Zheng Yan feel relieved inexplicably, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed to have another explanation.
After breakfast, the two of them worked separately.
When it was almost noon, Chen Xiang and Wu Xue came over to cook as usual, and Zheng Yan stopped what she was doing to help.
At twelve o’clock, Zhang Xinyue also came over and also joined in helping.
But Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui were nowhere to be found.
“Senior Sister Xinyue, please call Xiaoya and Jiahui and ask them to come over quickly. We have the last dish and we can eat soon.” Seeing that Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui were not here yet, they were cooking in aprons. Chen Xiang asked Zhang Xinyue to make a call.
Zhang Xinyue took out her mobile phone and called Zhong Jiahui. A few minutes later, Zhang Xinyue told everyone with a look of regret that Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui had gone shopping and asked everyone to eat slowly without waiting for them.
Others didn’t think much about this. Wang Bo, who was sitting in front of the computer browsing the web while listening to Zhang Xinyue’s phone call, felt a thump in his heart, and his mood became increasingly bitter and heavy.
After lunch, the girls washed the dishes together. Chen Xiang, Wu Xue, and Zhang Xinyue left one after anothe