he introduced Yang Yang one by one. Seeing the postures and looks of Xu Yao and others, Yang Yang was a little surprised. She really never thought that Liu Zhihe could make such a group of people that any girl would know how to do. The jealous friend’s perception of him immediately improved significantly.

he introduced Yang Yang one by one. Seeing the postures and looks of Xu Yao and others, Yang Yang was a little surprised. She really never thought that Liu Zhihe could make such a group of people that any girl would know how to do. The jealous friend’s perception of him immediately improved significantly.
As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. For the sake of his own image, Liu Zhihe spent a lot of money and money to persuade Xu Ning and two people to participate in tonight’s event. Ji Su’s absence is certainly a loss, but Ning Xi and Xie Yan’s Appeared but just filled the position. On the way to pick up Yang Yang, he kept sighing that Mr. Wen is the real boss. The number and quality of the girls around him are so impressive that people admire him. Of course he yearns for them. The last two sentences are plagiarized from Ren Yi’s common sayings. .
Wen Liang made a routine wish before blowing out the candles. Wen Liang didn’t know which country’s rule this was. Unexpectedly, Liu Zhihe stopped this customary and necessary procedure and took three beautifully crafted darts from the bag on one side. He came out and handed it to Yang Yang in front of everyone: “Do you still remember that I asked you to write down a lot of the things you most want to do? Well, they are all hung on the tree. There is a wish hidden in each chocolate ball. You You have three chances, no matter if you shoot any one of them, I promise, whether it is a month, a year, or even a lifetime, I will definitely help you achieve it!”
Let’s not talk about how many tricks are hidden in this sentence, just based on this His thoughts were enough to destroy all girls’ defenses. Yang Yang stared at Liu Zhihe, with tears flashing in his eyes. Not to mention the girls, they all clapped and applauded. Ning Xi pushed the wishing tree forward, fearing that Yang Yang would miss the mark. Xu Yao and Ning Xiaoning were both moved by the atmosphere of this moment. Together with Xie Yan, their eyes couldn’t help but search for Wen Liang.
Well, what about Wen Liang?
Uncle Wen moved away from them at some point and stayed with Ren Yi and Zhang Song. He asked expressionlessly: “What do you two think?”
/Ren Yi said angrily: “Brother Liu is trying to kill everyone. What are we going to do after he started this? If we can’t create this atmosphere and tricks, how can we have the nerve to chase other girls?”
Zhang Song didn’t dare to lose his temper with the boss, but he also felt extremely distressed: “You Fortunately, I still don’t know which mother-in-law’s belly the other half is in, but my Ye Meng witnessed this moment with her own eyes, and even if she wants to try to prevaricate it in the future, it won’t work. Damn it, boss, you don’t distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, digging holes for everyone. They’re all buried!”
Ren Yi thought about it. He was a heartless person and immediately became happy. He pointed at Wen Liang and gloated: “Brother Wen, I am worried about nothing, Zhang Song is suffering, I see you Do you want to