mmittee, the regional financial office, the Kaishan branch of the People’s Bank of China, the regional association of credit unions and the regional public security bureau jointly issued a document asking them to hand it over as soon as possible!

mmittee, the regional financial office, the Kaishan branch of the People’s Bank of China, the regional association of credit unions and the regional public security bureau jointly issued a document asking them to hand it over as soon as possible!
The security company that existed in name only suddenly became a “hot potato”. Considering the lack of security forces, Han Bo generously helped the County Civil Affairs Bureau solve the placement problem of retired soldiers in the past two years, recruiting more than 80 people at once, and arranged them all. Centralized training for patrol teams.
Once these axes were cut, county leaders such as Secretary Guan, County Magistrate Wang, and Secretary Fan of the Political and Legal Committee finally realized that the new public security director was not a light-saving lamp. Counting the business department police officers, Gu Xiangyu, Wang Dahai, etc., they firmly supported him. Yes, now he can mobilize at least two hundred people.
There is someone in hand, so don’t panic.
He will deal with anyone who dares to cheat, cheat, or betray someone, or who dares to give up his job. He will deal with it without hesitation and make up for it one by one. The staffing problem will be solved slowly. As long as there are people, normal work will not be affected.
In fact, for Han Bo, it is far from enough to have only two hundred people who can point out where to hit. These people alone cannot fundamentally reverse the security situation in Yushan.
He handed over the work of “making the security company bigger and stronger” to the deputy director Ning Changgui, who had been sitting on the bench for these years, and rushed to the Yushan County Forestry Bureau, one of the units he was in charge of.
/In charge of the inspection work of the deputy county magistrate, the director and the five deputy directors were all present and reported on the work one by one.
Han Bo didn’t care about forestry matters, he only cared about the Forestry Public Security Bureau.
The Forestry Public Security Bureau is just a name. The official name is “Yushan County Forest Public Security Bureau”, and the brand “Yushan County Public Security Bureau Forest Police Brigade” is added. It is listed as a public security agency and is an administrative unit at the deputy section level. It implements dual management of the Forestry Bureau and the Public Security Bureau, with the Forestry Bureau as the main management.
The Deputy Director of the Forestry Bureau and the Director of the Tongtong Forest Public Security Bureau reported: “Reporting to County Magistrate Han, our branch has a total staff of 50 people, including 14 forest police officers. It has two full-level police stations, Shanxi and Huadu, and is located in the urban area. There are four forestry law enforcement squadrons in , Miaoyi, Fengtang, and Donglin. The branch office has five departments: office, legal department, political and engineering department, forest protection team, and finance (archives) office. It currently has three floors