issiles held in the arms of those figures flying at supersonic speeds freely in the air began to explode one after another as they took off. Although under the hurricane formed by the thousands of degrees of high-temperature steam produced by the boiling of the unknown liquid, those black figures would be blown away. Sweeping and rolling several times, the movement became less flexible, and he appeared to be injured, but there was no one who died.

issiles held in the arms of those figures flying at supersonic speeds freely in the air began to explode one after another as they took off. Although under the hurricane formed by the thousands of degrees of high-temperature steam produced by the boiling of the unknown liquid, those black figures would be blown away. Sweeping and rolling several times, the movement became less flexible, and he appeared to be injured, but there was no one who died.
“Then, what is Li Sheng? Do you see clearly?” She was stunned for a while, until the black figure eliminated the crisis and flew back to the sky fortress. As the accelerating steel fortress disappeared into the distant sky, Tina murmured asked.
/“I see Tina clearly,” Zhang Lisheng said, feeling a little thirsty: “Damn it, it turns out we are living in the era of ‘Transformers’!”
The chairman of the board of directors of LS Group, who was sitting on the plane, was shocked by what the United States showed. The power of science and technology is hidden in the Oval Office on the west corridor of a large white house on Pennsylvania Northwest Avenue in Washington, District of Columbia, which symbolizes the highest power of the most powerful country in the world.
The owner of the house, the leader of the Western Free World, looked at the projections coming back from the front lines of the war and finally breathed a sigh of relief.
He leaned back against the back of a black leather chair with his back almost numb. He spread his hands towards the ministers on both sides of the oval conference table who all showed relieved expressions and said: “The crisis is over. , Everyone, what do you think about this matter now?”
An old man wearing a black suit with a slight smile on his face first said: “My opinion is very simple, Your Excellency, our Transformers Plan ‘It went very smoothly, and the effect was remarkable, but it was a pity that it was exposed when it shouldn’t have been exposed.
/Our ‘preemptive strike’ operation against the Calados ended before it even started. Any future battles with the Calados will be because of them. The retaliation for invading the United States makes the United States look selfish and short-sighted.
I feel that since the Calados have tried every possible means and paid a heavy price just to occupy the three Cape Town provinces of South Africa in a reasonable and reasonable way, then they will never We should start the war lightly and take the initiative to attack us, unless those ‘different world’ guys already know that we are planning to fight undeclared war.”
He is none other than US Secretary of State Fernandez.
In the United States, the department that formulates a “strategic plan” that is related to the direction of the entire country, such as starting a war with people from a “different world”, is undoubtedly the Department of Defense. Hearing that the Secretary of State pointed the finger directly at himself, Defense Minister Fahr said angrily: “Fei Nande, you mean that the battle plan against Caladore was leaked in advance.