. Many people They were all guests of the Chairman and the Prime Minister. Yu Shuying was a direct descendant of the Yu family and was highly favored. However, after marrying Lei Yunhai, her marriage life was not satisfactory. For this reason, several young people from the Yu family even made trouble for Lei Yunhai. Afterwards, Lei Yunhai didn’t even dare to say a word. Firstly, he was afraid of Mr. Lei, and secondly, he was in trouble, and the Yu family was not easy to mess with. However, Qingqian was just a distant branch of the Yu family, and her life was very ordinary. She has a close relationship with her sister Yu Shuying, who has always taken good care of her. Even her name was named after her sister, and she doesn’t have much contact with the rest of the Yu family. When the boss met Qing Qian, she had just been through Yu Shuying’s relationship I was transferred to work in a bank in Beijing. The boss met me by chance while passing by the bank gate, and everything happened after that.”

. Many people They were all guests of the Chairman and the Prime Minister. Yu Shuying was a direct descendant of the Yu family and was highly favored. However, after marrying Lei Yunhai, her marriage life was not satisfactory. For this reason, several young people from the Yu family even made trouble for Lei Yunhai. Afterwards, Lei Yunhai didn’t even dare to say a word. Firstly, he was afraid of Mr. Lei, and secondly, he was in trouble, and the Yu family was not easy to mess with. However, Qingqian was just a distant branch of the Yu family, and her life was very ordinary. She has a close relationship with her sister Yu Shuying, who has always taken good care of her. Even her name was named after her sister, and she doesn’t have much contact with the rest of the Yu family. When the boss met Qing Qian, she had just been through Yu Shuying’s relationship I was transferred to work in a bank in Beijing. The boss met me by chance while passing by the bank gate, and everything happened after that.”
/At this point, Wen Liang already had a clear understanding of the causes and consequences of the Yanzhuang dispute, but these are not related to the current situation. What does it have to do with the situation?
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you another story.”
Yan Huangyan closed his eyes, as if thinking about where to start the other story. After a moment, he opened his eyes and said, “Have you heard that Chen Lu once told Is there a legend that the enemy dragged him to a wild ravine in the northeast and scratched him?”
Unexpectedly, Yan Huangyan said quietly: “The legend is true, but it’s not that exaggerated. Chen Lu’s technique is not expert, and he only scratched a hundred The person who was stabbed more than once would have died. It would be too cheap to die!” ”
That year, Chen Lu was just fifteen years old. She had parents who loved her and a cute and well-behaved sister. Although her life was not rich, at least she had a good life. She was very peaceful and happy. Until that night, when she was waiting for her sister on duty to go home with her, she met the county bully, the son of a deputy secretary of the county party committee, on a deserted road. He had just had a drink with a group of friends. , and have always been lawless, what else could happen when meeting two beautiful girls?”
At this point, Yan Huangyan was silent for a while and continued: “In order to let Miyuki escape, Chenlu stayed to block him, but he was unable to resist and was humiliated. Afterwards, in order to avoid Miyuki worrying, he had to pretend as if nothing had happened. She lied that she had ditched the man and escaped safely, and told her not to tell her family. Chenlu’s parents were both honest and ordinary people. So what if they knew, let alone a deputy secretary of the county party committee, they were just a kid on the street. I can’t afford to offend a ruffian. I thought things would just go away like this. Unexpectedly, two months later, Chen Lu found out that she was pregnant, and her belly was getting bigger day by day. In