ould be several times more difficult to explain and reverse it, not to mention that the crisis public relations level of Lingqu Liquor is still at the primary school stage. They always think that those who are clean will self-clean themselves and disdain to explain. Until now, there has been no big event. No large-scale press conference has been held. They only explained to consumers who called for inquiries or their own dealers, which was both pale and powerless!

ould be several times more difficult to explain and reverse it, not to mention that the crisis public relations level of Lingqu Liquor is still at the primary school stage. They always think that those who are clean will self-clean themselves and disdain to explain. Until now, there has been no big event. No large-scale press conference has been held. They only explained to consumers who called for inquiries or their own dealers, which was both pale and powerless!
Wen Liang listened quietly to Xue Sheng’s complaints and said, “Well, I wonder how I can help?”
Xue Sheng said, “I heard from Secretary Zuo that Mr. Wen is best at business operations, so I would like to ask Mr. Wen to help with analysis. , Where did Lingqu go wrong? How could one report have such a big impact? Sales dropped sharply by nearly half. At the end of last year and at the beginning of this year, the production of wine was ramped up, and there was a backlog of nearly 300 trains.”
Wen Liang was also shocked when he heard this figure. Although he knew that Lingqu Liquor was in decline in 1997 and had already withdrawn from the competition in 1998, he never expected that sales would drop so much in just three months. many.
“That’s Secretary Zuo’s ridiculous praise. I’m young, and what I know and see can’t be compared with Director Xue. But, I have really thought deeply about Lingqu Liquor. Since everyone is talking to each other today, I will give it a try. , Let’s talk briefly.”
“Please, I, Old Xue, are all ears.”
“The rise of Lingqu can be said to be completely dependent on the Biaowang in 1995. In layman’s terms, it is the advertising effect, so Lingqu’s business model can be formed The key link in the virtuous cycle is whether the large amount of advertising invested can be transformed into huge actual market demand, which is the key to reducing advertising costs per unit product and winning profits.”
Xue Sheng nodded. This is obvious. Without advertising, there would be no spiritual music today. Of course, there would be no current troubles. Those who stand out will die first. People always take pleasure in the misfortunes of those who stand out. The higher you go, the harder you step.
“Who says it’s not the case?” The boss said with a red face, “It’s really a evil sect. It was still fine a year ago. Customers came to the door and ordered spiritual songs. In just these two months, no one wanted to give it to anyone. I gave it to everyone. After asking around, I found out that something happened to Lingqu.”
/“Once this link is interrupted and the large amount of advertising invested does not produce the expected results, Lingqu Liquor will face disaster, which is the dilemma it is facing now.”
/In fact, by the end of 1996, the most prominent contradiction of Lingqu was not the lack of market development capabilities, but the lack of wine production capacity, that is, it was faced with the urgent problem of improving production technology, expanding production scale, and improving intrinsic quality. At this time, Lingqu Qu D