nment will come forward to attract other funds to jointly build the crude oil terminal. It won’t cost you a penny and it will be beneficial to economic construction. Others can’t say anything more, right?”

nment will come forward to attract other funds to jointly build the crude oil terminal. It won’t cost you a penny and it will be beneficial to economic construction. Others can’t say anything more, right?”
Zuo Jing’s face was as usual, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. This was also The reserve expected of a superior person. He thought for a moment and said: “This is an idea, but the port construction does not allow private companies and individual funds to enter. Where can we find state-owned enterprises with strength and willingness to participate? It can easily cost hundreds of millions, which is not a small amount. ”
There is a Hengsha Mining Company in Huanghuai Province. I wonder if Uncle Zuo has heard of it?”
Zuo Jing paused and his eyes finally lit up. He didn’t know much about Wen Liang’s true strength. He only felt that this young man was very mysterious. After all, being able to establish a relationship with someone like Yan Qixiu was not something that ordinary people could do. But what really surprised him was the Hengsha Mining mentioned by Wen Liang at this time. If he hadn’t had a friend who worked in Dongming City, and accidentally chatted with him, he would have learned that that company was responsible for the turmoil in Dongming City. Behind the uneasy Hengsha Mining seems to be the shadow of the Ninglei family.
Hearing the gentle tone, he seemed to know the other party well?
“Hengsha Mining in Shahe County?”
/“Exactly. I have some friendship with the person in charge of Hengsha. I can try to see if I can get them to invest in Lingyang.”
Hengsha Mining is affiliated to the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources. It is a serious state-owned enterprise and an energy-related industry involving import and export trade. It is reasonable to invest in the construction of docks. At most, the details can be fine-tuned. Two crude oil terminals can be used to build one crude oil terminal and another ore terminal. No one can find fault.
After leaving Zuo Jing’s home, Chang Cheng had already driven back to the Lexus from the traffic police team. It was said to be an accident car, but in fact it was no different from a new car. It was the same graphite pearl color, all the procedures were completed, and it was ready to go on the road.
Wen Liang looked at his watch and asked, “Are you hungry? Should you eat something in the city or on the way to Shahe?” Chang Cheng
almost jumped up with excitement when he heard that he was going to Shahe and said, “Not hungry, no Hungry, eat on the road, eat on the road!”
“Is it okay for this car to travel a long distance? Don’t leave it on the road for us.” ”
It’s okay, just give it a try and clean up its temper!” Chang Cheng has always believed that cars are like women and must be tidied up. He must be obedient, but with Zhuo Min’s toughness, if the two of them really get together, I don’t know who will deal with whom.
“What did the landlady say? If I hadn’t been working so hard all over the world, you could just come here once a da