ang, but when everyone was taking extra classes and studying hard, being the special person would make her feel uneasy. In particular, Minghua Junior High School is very competitive, and her talent is not among the best. If she spends such a tight time playing, she will feel sorry for Wen Liang’s original intention to help her enter Minghua Junior High School.

ang, but when everyone was taking extra classes and studying hard, being the special person would make her feel uneasy. In particular, Minghua Junior High School is very competitive, and her talent is not among the best. If she spends such a tight time playing, she will feel sorry for Wen Liang’s original intention to help her enter Minghua Junior High School.
/But the thought of being with Wen Liang finally outweighed everything else, and she laughed happily and said, “Okay, where should we go to play?” After
a day of playing in Century Park, Chen Jiayi’s true nature was completely exposed and she went crazy. He had no restraint and was completely different from his usual well-behaved person in front of Ding Lan, which really impressed Wen Liang. Li Siqing was as quiet as ever. Most of the time, she just looked at Wen Liang’s back. Occasionally, a sweet smile flashed across her lips. For her, being able to be like this was a rare happiness. However, Tutu is a big kid, cunning and smart. Although he gets along very well with his two sisters, he always teases Wen Liang from time to time, causing everyone to laugh.
As it got darker, the loudspeaker in the park began to announce the closure of the park. Wen Liang sent Tutu home first, then Chen Jiayi, and finally Li Siqing. It was only then that he realized that Li Siqing no longer lived in the original small courtyard. In order to facilitate work and Li Siqing’s schooling, Li Shengli bought a three-bedroom house on the middle line between Qinghe Headquarters and Minghua Junior High School. In fact, Li Shengli can afford to buy a two-story duplex with his current salary. But in his own words, there are only two people in the family, and they are often away from home. Buying such a big house and living in it is deserted, and it is not as good as a small house. of ease.
In fact, Wen Liang also persuaded Li Shengli to remarry. After all, he was only in his thirties and life was long. Living alone was not as comfortable as two people. But judging from Li Shengli’s thoughts, it seemed that he still couldn’t forget Zhao Yaqing and was unwilling to give up. Nuannuan finds a stepmother. Wen Liang tried to persuade him several times but saw no effect, so he gave up.
The car slowly stopped at the entrance of a community. A quick look through the car window revealed a seven-story townhouse with yellow and white walls and shady trees. The environment was pretty good. It was far away from the busy city and the transportation was convenient. , Wen Liang praised: “Uncle Li is good at choosing a place.”
Li Siqing jumped out of the car, with a bit of expectation in his eyes, wanting to invite Wen Liang to sit at home. Wen Liang couldn’t bear it, but he still had important things to do. If he could squeeze out a day to accompany them, it was already a break in his busy schedule. He smiled slightly and said, “I won’t go up today. I’ll come back another day. I haven’t tasted your cooking for a long time.” It’s time to eat, but the glutton in my stomach doesn’t agree.”
Li Siqin