random promises or write bad checks for things that cannot be done. Brother Yang told me not to take it too seriously, but to pay attention to it. From now on, I will do it for you. Prepare for future career planning. If I grasp it properly, my future destiny may very well change.

random promises or write bad checks for things that cannot be done. Brother Yang told me not to take it too seriously, but to pay attention to it. From now on, I will do it for you. Prepare for future career planning. If I grasp it properly, my future destiny may very well change.
Faced with Brother Yang’s encouragement, I am grateful and still speak modestly. At the same time, I do not forget to comfort him and let him not be discouraged. In the past few days, he and I have tried our best to serve Mr. Wang well, make Mr. Wang happy, and leave him the best impression. Now that Mr. Wang knows the difficulties he faces, maybe he is already thinking about it. I have found a solution. I
would like to express my sincere thanks to the brother of “The Afterglow of Summer” for the generous reward of 10,000 starting coins!
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much to the “Emperor of the World” for the generous reward of 1,000 starting coins!
/Thank you very much to the brother of “Looking at Flowers on the Road” for the 1,000 starting coins A generous reward of coins!
/Thanks to “Yongye Dog,” my brother for the reward of 500 starting coins!
Thank you to all the friends who subscribed, voted for recommendations and voted for monthly votes!
Danfeng Bailu Palace was a palace where the French royal family used to relax, ride horses and hunt. It is a bit like the Old Summer Palace of the Qing Dynasty. Like many famous castles and churches in Europe, they have experienced ups and downs during the period, and have even been destroyed and looted by war. After several generations of people investing huge amounts of money, manpower, and material resources in continuous construction and restoration, they have become what they are today. The grand view. During the construction and decoration process of the Fontainebleau Palace, many Renaissance artists made enthusiastic contributions. Therefore, it once became a gathering place for French Renaissance artists, contributing to world art history and future generations. He left countless wonderful works.
We stayed at the Fontainebleau Palace for a whole morning and had lunch in a small town. After lunch, we started to rush to our next destination, Bordeaux in southwest France.
Bordeaux is 500 kilometers away from Paris. It is an important industrial and commercial town in southwest France. Historically, it has served as the capital of France three times (Franco-Prussian War, World War I and World War II). In this sense, it is a bit like Shuangqing, where Wang Bo currently lives. They are both fighting and retreating, resisting aggression and saving the rear area where the nation is in danger. Politically, economically and militarily, it is of extremely important significance to the French. For example, Bordeaux is not only the research and manufacturing center of European military and aviation, but also the core of France’s strategic nuclear bombs and high-energy physics experiments. It has many high-end technology institutions such as the Atomic Energy Research Center and