Mei bit her lip and shouted in a low voice, but tears flowed out unexpectedly, because of fear, humiliation, and some kind of A degree of resistance and strength!

Mei bit her lip and shouted in a low voice, but tears flowed out unexpectedly, because of fear, humiliation, and some kind of A degree of resistance and strength!
“A bad fate! This is a bad fate!” Fan Kaiqun lamented in a low voice and held his shivering daughter in his arms. “Meimei, my miserable Meimei, break it off. You and Bo’er are broken.” Let’s find another one, a better one, okay? Okay?”
/Her mother’s words finally made Jiang Mei feel that her mother didn’t want to judge herself or take advantage of herself, but just worried about herself, loved herself, and hoped that she would survive. Well done, the emotions that had been holding on for a long time finally burst out. Jiang Mei also hugged her mother’s old body with her hands and began to cry. While crying, she said: “Mom, I’m not looking for you anymore. I don’t look for anyone except him in this life! He is the one who gives me food and gives me food.” I wore clothes for me, bought me a house, and saved my life! Without him, I would have died! His kindness to me will last until I become a cow or a horse in my lifetime. I will never marry anyone again!”
“Stupid girl” ! You are such a stupid girl!” Seeing his daughter crying, Fan Kaiqun also started to cry holding Jiang Mei’s head. He felt that he must have done something sinful in his previous life to make his daughter suffer in this life and not even enjoy a normal marriage. No qualifications.
The two mothers held each other’s hands and cried. Fan Kaiqun was crying because of his daughter’s twists and turns and unfortunate marriage. Although Jiang Mei felt a little sorry for herself, it was more that the shady relationship between her and Wang Bo was finally eliminated. Crying when the people closest to you know and understand are actually tears of joy. Jiang Mei wiped her own tears with her hands, wiped away her mother’s tears, and said with a smile:
“Mom, don’t worry about me. Meeting Zhang Xiaojun is my greatest misfortune in this life; but meeting Bo’er is my biggest misfortune.” He is my greatest luck! He is very good to me. He comes to see me whenever he has time and buys me clothes, shoes, cosmetics, and all kinds of jewelry. Last time you came to Guanghan where I lived He also bought the big house in the family area of ??the middle school for me. My name is written on the real estate certificate, and the price is fifty or sixty thousand. This time I went up the mountain to see you two, and all the gifts they brought were from him. Money. Except that he couldn’t give me a wife’s status and a piece of marriage certificate, he had given me everything I needed! When I married Zhang Xiaojun, I did have a wife’s status, but what was the result? I was empty-handed. , almost committed suicide, and if it weren’t for him, he would have lost his life.
/“So, Mom, don’t worry about me, and don’t think that I am pitiful or unfortunate. I’m really lucky and feel blessed!
“But you just want to be his lifelong lover? ” What will you do when you get old? You don’t even have a baby, who will help you t