Seeing the girl put the little golden pig that he had planned to return to him yesterday, but he threw away in anger, back in his hand, Wang Bo suddenly became happy. However, the other person’s expression and tone, like a frightened little rabbit, made him feel uneasy. Feeling an inexplicable pain, he paused and said, “I thought so too. By the way, I said a lot of nonsense last night. Since we are friends, forget about it. Anyway, I don’t remember what I said yesterday. “

/Seeing the girl put the little golden pig that he had planned to return to him yesterday, but he threw away in anger, back in his hand, Wang Bo suddenly became happy. However, the other person’s expression and tone, like a frightened little rabbit, made him feel uneasy. Feeling an inexplicable pain, he paused and said, “I thought so too. By the way, I said a lot of nonsense last night. Since we are friends, forget about it. Anyway, I don’t remember what I said yesterday. ”
After saying that, Wang Bo put his hands into the two trouser pockets behind his buttocks and left lazily. He was in a strange mood, a little happy, but also a little solemn and solemn. The
breakup of Wang Bo and Liang Ya, although the two There was no publicity. So far, only their deskmates Lu Wei and Liao Xiaoqing knew that the two women were not talkative people and did not talk nonsense. But after a few days, especially when Liang Ya began to miss the English salon. , the friends around him more or less noticed something was wrong between the two of them.
“She will never come again. “Wang Bo said lightly. An emotion called pain rose up again, filling his heart like a thick fog. Feelings are the most hurtful. Both he and Liang Ya were in too deep, and they couldn’t see it for a while. You can drive it.
“Huh?” Why why won’t you come? “Sun Limei’s eyes widened and she exclaimed. Being smart, she quickly thought of a possibility and immediately covered her mouth.
Wang Bo glanced at Sun Li’s surprised expression. He was not as perfunctory as he was perfunctory with everyone at the English Salon yesterday afternoon. Sun Li smiled bitterly and said, “You’re right, we’re done. ”
Why? ” “Sun Li said nonchalantly, her beautiful eyes still wide open, and she fell into a huge shock.
More than two months ago, when she was born, she made a three-month wish in front of Wang Bo: 1. Mother and her The lover breaks up; 2. The father breaks up with his little fox; 3. Wang Bo and Liang Ya break up as soon as possible. Frankly speaking, she thinks it is possible for the first two wishes to come true, but the last wish is for herself I fully understand that it is just a wish at most, and I have never expected it to come true.
“Could it be that my wish caused the two of them to break up? “When she thought of the breakup of her mother and her lover not long ago, and now that Wang Bo and Liang Ya broke up again, Sun Li’s face turned pale.
“Oh, it’s a long story! Wang Bo sighed, turned to look at Sun Li, and smiled self-deprecatingly, “Hey, Sun Li, do you really want to hear it?” After listening to this, I am afraid that my impression will be greatly changed. ”
Sun Li nodded subconsciously.
Since the last time Sun Li passed away, the two of them have interacted a lot more and chatted a lot with each other. It can be said that besides Liao Xiaoqing, Sun Li communicates with him the most in the school. girl. But he didn’t want to talk about him and Liang Ya now. The time was wrong, the place was wrong, and he wasn’t in the mood to talk.
/Wang Bo