de them. So the three of them went home and packed the two women’s things. There was nothing to clean up, just a pair of underwear hanging in the bathroom. Looking at the two small panties, one white and one black, Wang Bo chuckled and said he might as well not take them away and just give them to him as a souvenir.

de them. So the three of them went home and packed the two women’s things. There was nothing to clean up, just a pair of underwear hanging in the bathroom. Looking at the two small panties, one white and one black, Wang Bo chuckled and said he might as well not take them away and just give them to him as a souvenir.
“Tingting, Youyou, here are five thousand yuan, half of each of you. Summer is coming, buy yourself two clothes. On the weekends , call Sister Xiaoqin and Sister Yunxiang, the four of you go out to eat something delicious. Don’t give me any instant noodles again! If I find out who eats instant noodles often, hehe, Brother Bo is very If you get angry, the consequences will be serious!”
As soon as he said this, the two women stared at him, and Ma Liting directly called him a pervert!
Before going out to see the two of them to the station, Wang Bo opened his drawer again and took out an envelope. This envelope was handed over to Ma Liting. In Ma Liting’s puzzled and Fang You’s surprised eyes, Wang Bo said to the two of them:
Nowadays, unlike later generations, there are talent shows such as “Avenue of Stars”, “Super Girl”, and “I Am a Singer”. It is unrealistic for Ma Liting to become famous through the talent show.
Seeing that Wang Bo wanted to give her money, Fang You wanted to speak. The surprised Ma Liting also wanted to speak, but Wang Bo glared back at her: “Don’t say no, I don’t like to hear rejection. It’s okay if you don’t want it,” Don’t look for me anymore.” I felt that my tone seemed to be a little harsher, but then softened and said, “This little money, to me, is just for one article. I could have given you more, But recently, my family has to open a new store and build a sauerkraut factory. I bought a few houses and a car some time ago, so I don’t have much liquidity anymore. Besides, my sister is in charge of all the money in the store. Without good reason, I It’s not easy to use. But just wait for my new book to be published in a few months. If it becomes a bestseller by then, I will send you a big red envelope each.” The two women were moved by
Wang Bo’s domineering and gentle words. There is no way to gain more. Ma Liting jumped directly into Wang Bo’s arms and whispered thank you; Fang You on the side was biting her mouth, her two shining eyes were like foggy display windows. When Wang Bo saw it, he quickly hugged the girl into his arms. , patted the two girls on the back and said:
“This ghost high school makes it hard for me to leave Sifang. If you miss me, just come to Sifang to find me, just like this time. What happens in life? Don’t keep your difficulties and problems in your heart. Tell me, tell your men, unless you don’t regard me as your boyfriend. Tingting, you are one year older than Youyou and have more social experience than her. Usually you You need to take more care of her, do you understand?”
“I understand.” Ma Liting sniffed and felt a little like crying after being told by Wang Bo.
/“Yuyou, Tingting is a bit uneducated. Although her voice is not as distin