t seems like he is living like a year. The “hypocrite” who pretends to be a “hypocrite” doesn’t want to pretend anymore. Coupled with the morning sun, Guan Ping is dressed like a fresh little lamb again. He planned to change the pronunciation of “god sister” from one tone to four tones today.

t seems like he is living like a year. The “hypocrite” who pretends to be a “hypocrite” doesn’t want to pretend anymore. Coupled with the morning sun, Guan Ping is dressed like a fresh little lamb again. He planned to change the pronunciation of “god sister” from one tone to four tones today.
Guan Ping has been living with Wang Bo for several months, taking care of his daily life like his mother, and being teased by him from time to time. She knows Wang Bo’s habits like the back of her hand. In a vulgar saying, “His butt is not up, she is.” Just know if he’s going to poop or pee.” Wang Bo’s evil eyes and his obscene face immediately made Guan Ping feel bad and she immediately wanted to run away.
“The clothes my godmother bought are very nice and fit me very well. Bo’er, you, please get up quickly. I, I’ll wait for you outside.” Guan Ping’s face turned red when she saw Wang Bo’s bad intentions. Said babblingly, stood up, like a little white rabbit seeing the big bad wolf, turned around and hurried away.
The duck in his mouth flew away. Wang Bo couldn’t help but was stunned. Soon he was itching his teeth with hatred. He shouted at Guan Ping’s back in a voice that only he could hear:
/“Fuck sister, fuck sister, you can escape for a while.” Can you still escape for the rest of your life? If you can escape as a monk, can you escape from the temple? Don’t even think about escaping today! I am officially seventeen or eighteen today, and can be considered a real adult. I actually don’t care about the others, I just care about them. You! Let’s take you as my best ‘coming-of-age gift’ today. Jie Jie, wah kaka.” Wang Bo let out a “Jie Jie Jie” smile. Fortunately, there is no one now. If Guan Ping hears it, she will probably Her face turned pale, and she broke out in a cold sweat.
Since Guan Ping is wearing the clothes he and his mother bought for her, Wang Bo plans to wear the coat Guan Ping gave him, a dark jacket. Wang Bo didn’t part with this jacket as much as Guan Ping cherished the black T-shirt he bought for her. He had already “lost her virginity” and worn it many times. The outer jacket and the inner base are T-shirts of the same style as Guan Ping’s, but in different colors. Guan Ping’s is black and his is white. The two of them are in black and white. If you don’t look at the coats outside, they will definitely be regarded as a couple.
The newly dressed “sister and brother” went out together, went downstairs, and went to the carport to pick up the car. Guan Ping wanted to ride alone on the second-hand women’s car Wang Bo gave her, but Wang Bo grabbed Guan Ping’s wrist and dragged her toward his racing car. Guan Ping thought that Tian Xin, Li Cui and Xie Ying were not here. She and Wang Bo were the only ones here. After a few words of protest, they agreed. It’s been a long time since she took Wang Bo’s car, and she felt nostalgic for it.
/A few minutes later, Wang Bo drove his god-sister to the rice noodle shop. It was almost past eight o’clock at this time, which was the peak meal period of the day at th