obei found out that after Yao Zizhong came back, he vomited blood not long after and was sent to the hospital. went.

When Wei Xiaobei arrived at the hospital and quietly observed Yao Zizhong, he discovered that his complexion was dark and there was a faint, filthy and cold aura about him.
Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei understood. There was no doubt that Yao Zizhong’s life might not be saved even by the best medicines used by the hospital.
Undoubtedly, this is the consequence of violating the oath!
Witnessed by Ge Datian’s clone, he promised not to talk about things in the gray world in front of outsiders after returning to reality.
But Yao Zizhong didn’t believe that oath at all, so he told Wei Xiaobei’s story after returning to reality.
Of course, according to Yao Zizhong’s thoughts, if this oath was useful, I’m afraid the world would not be what it is now.
But in doing so, he would give away his life.
It’s really sad.
Back at the martial arts hall, Wei Xiaobei called the individual soldiers over.
Regarding Wei Xiaobei’s summons, Shan Bing was quite a bit headache. He was thinking that the boss wanted to use some diluted treasure to blind his eyes, right?
But when he arrived at Wei Xiaobei’s room, Shan Bing couldn’t move his eyes away from the table.
“Whose craftsmanship is this? Is it Teacher Li Botian? It doesn’t look like it. Could it be Teacher Zhang Yulin? It doesn’t look like it either.”
To be honest, Shan Bing has a deep love for this carving art, which is why he can name the names of these carving masters one by one.
“Don’t guess, I carved it.”
Wei Xiaobei said calmly.
/“Did you carve it?”
Shan Bing was a little dumbfounded. If nothing else, just look at the knife skills of this jade carving. It would have been impossible to carve it without more than forty years of effort. Moreover, the three jade carvings looked at each other with a hint of spirituality. The scenery is like a living thing.
But Shan Bing also knew that Wei Xiaobei never told lies, so he was stunned just now.
Wei Xiaobei didn’t talk nonsense to the soldiers, and pointed to the three jade carvings: “Send them to the auction for me. If possible, the sooner the better, I’m in a hurry to use the money.”
The single soldier nodded, but then looked at Wei Xiaobei in shock: “More than 200 million US dollars are used up like this? Boss, I’m really convinced!”
Wei Xiaobei didn’t have time to argue with him at this time, so he lightly kicked the soldier on the buttocks. The soldier flew out like a wild goose. He originally thought that a big horse would fall to the ground, but After flying out of the door, he stood firmly on his own.
The boss is getting more and more powerful!
Shan Bing was somewhat lucky that he could get to know this Wei Xiaobei. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Huayang Shan Group would have been attacked by a group of people, not to mention bankrupt, or at least dying.
After the single soldier left, Wei Xiaobei went to the kitchen.
It was night at this time, but in the outdoor martial arts arena, Zhu Xinyi

r, and handed it to Andre when he came back.

When Andre saw it, he immediately shook his head and replied in stiff and somewhat stuttering Chinese: “NONO, I don’t have the habit of drinking sea water. Drinking it will cause diarrhea.”
Wei Xiaobei smiled: “Drink it and you won’t have diarrhea, I promise.”
The big boss had already spoken, and Andre had to take the cup with a bitter look on his face. He frowned, closed his eyes, and took a sip as if he were drinking poison.
But after taking this sip, Andre’s brows relaxed and his face recovered. Then he drank all the water in the cup in one go. After drinking all the water, he said with a greedy smile: “I just happen to have a dry mouth.” ”
Watching Andre drink up the sea water in one breath, everyone who has tasted the sea water can’t help but feel a faint pain in their stomach.
To say that the taste of sea water is salty and bitter, let alone drinking it, even taking a bath will bring a layer of salt with you.
I would rather drink salt water than sea water!
“NONONO, this is not sea water, this is fresh water! It tastes pretty good. No, can you give it a try?”
Seeing the pity in everyone’s eyes, how could Andre not know what they were thinking, and he hurriedly defended himself.
And then, everyone tasted the so-called sea water.
They found that Andre was right, it was really fresh water. After drinking it, their stomachs were still warm, and they felt like drinking warm water.
/What’s going on?
Could it be that it was really magic as Wei Xiaobei said?
Seeing everyone’s curious looks, Wei Xiaobei didn’t hide anything. Anyway, this kind of thing would have to be revealed sooner or later.
After listening to what Wei Xiaobei said, everyone was stunned.
The small bottle Wei Xiaobei took out before can convert seawater into fresh water. This is pretty amazing.
Fortunately, Zhu Xinyi and other people who have entered the gray world have relatively strong receptive abilities. When thinking about the monsters in the gray world, it does not seem to be an unacceptable thing to directly convert seawater into fresh water.
After living on Weijia Island for such a period of time, Wei Xiaobei’s family has more or less understood the current situation. After a period of shock, they can now be said to be calm.
Watching the water level in the reservoir continue to rise, Wei Xiaobei’s face kept smiling.
In addition to the functions of domestic water and drinking water, this fresh water converted from sea water can also provide sufficient water for crops and plants grown on the island.
In this way, Weijia Island can enter a virtuous cycle and become self-sufficient.
The only trouble is that every once in a while, the fire dragon pure water bottle needs to be taken out and the remaining salt after purifying the fresh water in it needs to be poured out.
Of course, these are all minor problems, at least now Wei Xiaobei is satisfied.
But, then he felt a headache.
Just after dinner, Wei Xiaopeng sneaked into Wei Xiaobei’s room and pestered Wei Xiaobei to learn the weapo

fits by providing security and so on.

Seeing that their attitude was quite good, Wei Xiaobei asked them about it.
To say that the tents here are not expensive, they cost 2 gray coins per hour. You need to pay a 10-hour deposit in advance and settle the bill together when you leave.
In addition, this Gray and White Gang also provides services such as acquisitions, appraisals, etc.
Of course, many newcomers come in without so-called gray coins, so they also provide a series of related mortgage services and so on.
After hearing this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but nodded. The leader of the Gray and White Gang had some brains. In this way, he could make a lot of money just by exchanging items for Gray and White coins.
Of course, the income may be less, after all, many things in the gray world may not be really useful.
No matter what, Wei Xiaobei decided to look around and understand the situation.
Hearing that Wei Xiaobei intended to sell some things in exchange for gray coins, the strong man at the head was a little excited. After all, if he brought people there, he would be able to share in the benefits.
While following the strong man towards the central square, Wei Xiaobei was also making some calculations in his mind.
The Gray and White Gang? Could it have something to do with the off-white color? Or was it established by people sent by Gray and White?
This is somewhat possible!
When he thought that this might have something to do with the gray color, Wei Xiaobei’s attention spread and he began to observe from all aspects.
Not far away, the gray-white headquarters was actually located in the same shopping mall where Wei Xiaobei had fought zombies before.
Of course, this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, at least safer than in the central square.
Wei Xiaobei also took a quick look.
There are quite a few varieties here.
There are weapons, various cold weapons, and a small number of hot weapons. They may be made by themselves, or they may be collected from those who have experienced the gray world. After all, there are very few people who enter the gray world with guns, but in this Time, I’m afraid, is quite a lot.
/Some cold weapons are sophisticated, some are rough, and the price ranges between several thousand, while hot weapons, such as pistols and submachine guns, cost tens of thousands. Wei Xiaobei saw one that could regenerate one bullet every two seconds. The price of the May 4th pistol was one hundred thousand gray coins.
Well, this is normal. For those who have not been in the gray world for a long time, hot weapons are definitely more powerful than cold weapons. There is no doubt about this.
Of course, as the level goes up, these thermal weapons will not be of much use, unless there are some thermal weapons with special abilities.
And those cold weapons have no abilities attached to them, they are all ordinary goods.
Thinking about it, if there is any good stuff, I’m afraid the Gray and White Gang people will use it themselves. How could they put it here?
There are ores, me

e in the human world. Wang Xuan locked his wrist, grabbed his snow-white arm, and was captured.

During this process, the demon lord’s scarlet glow bloomed, thunder emerged, and all his spells were used, but to no avail, they were all suppressed by the hazy light emitted by Wang Xuan!
With a bang, he pulled the Demon Lord’s hands behind her back and tied them there, suppressing her unable to move.
Not to mention the Demon Lord himself, even Lao Zhang and the Dark Blood Cult Ancestor were shocked. What is this situation?
“You two, I would like to ask, is Demon Lord Yanyan your black-hearted little cotton-padded jacket? Then what relationship do I have with you?” Wang Xuan has wanted to ask for a long time, and today he has the opportunity.
“You, it was an accident.” The woman in the shadow couple said softly, her words soft and calm.
What’s going on? Zhang Daoling’s ears flapped slightly and he used his magical power, fearing that he would be blocked by the pair of shadows and not be able to hear the amazing secret.
The Demon Lord was captured by Wang Xuan with her backhand and suppressed on the fixed bar in the spaceship. She was so angry that she couldn’t beat Wang Xuan. Her slender body was struggling, and her long red clusters glowed, and her lotus-rooted arms and long legs had symbols. Wen Blooming is still fighting.
However, it didn’t work and she couldn’t get rid of it.
Now, she is a little quieter and no longer struggling, because the case is about to be solved. From her mother’s tone, it seems that there is really a serious situation.
Could this really be her biological brother? If she had such a brother, she would want to beat him even more!
This kid actually wanted to see her dance the fairy dance in the past, and now he’s resisting her!
Wang Xuan was also stunned. The tone was so intimate that it made his heart skip a beat.
Except for Fang Yuzhu, everyone in the spacecraft looked strange. The Dark Blood Cult Ancestor grinned and was watching a show. Sword Fairy also turned her head and looked very interested.
“Let go!” After a short period of silence, the Demon Lord couldn’t stand it anymore. She was suppressed in public, and it was Wang Xuan who took action, which made her a little unbearable.
“Quiet!” Wang Xuan patted her back.
“Wang Xuan!” The man in the shadow spoke again, which meant, don’t do anything! Because he himself has never been willing to fight.
The woman in the shadow couple patted the man’s arm and said, “A bowl of water is even.”
Both of them are shaking their spirits, and there is no physical body here.
As soon as these words came out, Wang Xuan was stunned. This was different from what he imagined. They were really relatives? Then he can be considered a “fairy”, and his parents are extraordinary?
/Lao Zhang squinted his eyes, the fire of gossip burning in his heart, feeling a little hot, and unbuttoned two buttons on his white shirt. His original elegant temperament was now slightly undignified.
“I’ll go, the old clam has pearls in his eyes!” The Dark Blood Sect Ancest

ok out the base of the fountain of youth and placed it in the middle of the basement.

Then with a slight thought, a thin stream of emerald green spring water spurted out from the base.
As the spring water spurted out, a circle of green light bloomed and spread in all directions.
Even Father Wei and Mother Wei felt the magic in this, and their spirits became much better.
“Okay, after this thing is activated, the growth rate of crops within a hundred meters will increase a lot.”
Wei Xiaobei then introduced it to everyone.
Of course, this is information that only Wei Xiaobei’s trustworthy people can know.
In order to ensure the safety of the base of the fountain of youth, the cement wall around the basement is more than two meters thick, and three thick steel plates are embedded inside.
To put it simply, even if one could enter here violently, the movement caused would be enough to alarm the people on Weijia Island.
At the same time, Wei Xiaobei released several weak pigs near the altar above. Once an outsider approaches, these weak pigs will send a warning signal to Wei Xiaobei.
You know, on this tropical island, the growth rate of crops is originally faster than that in temperate zones. Well, coupled with the effect of spring-like weather all year round, according to Wei Xiaobei’s estimation, in about 20 days, the seedlings of those crops will grow. Able to enter the maturity stage and successfully bear fruit.
In other words, as long as there are no violent storms, this farmland can be harvested every 20 days, and the tropical temperatures throughout the year are very suitable for crop growth. In a year, it can be harvested 17.8 times!
Cultivated land in temperate zones can only be harvested for two seasons.
/Well, if you add gray world fertilizer, shrimp demon dung, and crab demon dung, the output will increase a lot.
Based on this calculation, the output of the fifteen acres of cultivated land affected by spring all year round may reach 20 to 30 times that of temperate cultivated land in one year! That is the output of 300 to 450 acres of cultivated land.
At the same time, the quality is probably different.
Later, Wei Xiaobei handed over those fertilizers to his father and took charge of them himself.
/Of course, the cultivated land within the influence of Four Seasons Like Spring is all Wei Xiaobei’s food, and these fertilizers were used just now. As for the cultivated land in other areas, only ordinary fertilizers can be used.
After arranging the fertilizer matter, Wei Xiaobei asked Huang Kun to gather half of the core disciples.
Fifteen people!
These fifteen people, together with General Huang Kun, followed Wei Xiaobei into the Gray Realm.
Set a time and everyone will enter the gray world in twenty minutes.
Wei Xiaobei returned to his room first and drank the liquor.
Wei Xiaobei woke up, opened his eyes, and looked around. He had entered the gray world and was currently in the desert.
After waiting for a while, Huang Kun’s figure gradually emerged from the air, followed by the fifteen core d

enetic diversity.

In other words, this life altar has a new direction in cultivating creatures, cultivating so-called primitive creatures, allowing them to evolve according to the enemy and the environment.
There is no doubt that this point should be taken from the powerful evolutionary ability of the Zerg.
Wei Xiaobei then learned about the cultivation of this primitive creature.
It turns out that although this primitive creature needs to be implanted with a large number of genes, it still needs to select an initial gene.
In other words, the original cultivated form of this primitive creature.
It can be a dog, a fish, even an ant or a bird, etc.
Wei Xiaobei thought for a while and simply selected the gene of the long-bearded shrimp demon as the initial gene.
Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei was on a passenger plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters and could not cultivate any living things. He could only suppress the excitement in his heart and continue to implant genes from the gene bank into the template of this primitive creature.
Compared with the basic organisms that you can modify and adjust by yourself, the advantage of this primitive organism is that you don’t have to go to great lengths to adjust the combined genes. You can just throw it in one place and let it evolve.
/Of course, as for how it evolves, Wei Xiaobei hasn’t tested it yet, and he doesn’t know the result.
Well, of course in terms of efficiency, the stereotyped basic biological template should be much higher than the original creature.
After all, as long as the genes are adjusted and modified, they can be cultivated directly without waiting for a long time. No one knows how long it will take for this primitive creature to evolve.
The passenger plane passed by without any danger like last time.
Thinking about it, if the danger in the air really reached the level of frequent occurrence, I am afraid that the Chinese Parliament would have banned the air.
After all, so far, there has only been one case of a plane crash due to an aerial creature.
Well, actually, in the past few months, there have been more crashes due to other reasons.
In any case, it is a good thing that the passenger plane did not have an accident. Otherwise, it would be more troublesome for Wei Xiaobei to continue to transfer core disciples to Wei Family Island.
After thinking about it, before the passenger plane landed, Wei Xiaobei made a decision to send more core disciples to Weijia Island, which would allow them to grow up quickly in the gray world of Weijia Island, and also strengthen Weijia Island. defense force.
Yes, and it can invisibly enrich the population of Weijia Island.
After all, most core disciples have parents, more or less brothers and sisters, or lovers, etc. If necessary, closer friends can be brought along.
On average, one core disciple can increase the population of Weijia Island by 4.6 people.
As soon as he left the airport gate, Wei Xiaobei called Wei Xingwu and asked him to dispatch more core disciples to Wei Family Island.
Wei Xingw


A few minutes later, Wei Xiaobei had risen to an altitude of five or six thousand meters. At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s sight was blocked by gray fog.
However, relying on the memory in his mind, Wei Xiaobei moved his position to the sky above Green Lake University with great precision.
Afterwards, Wei Xiaobei lowered his height to the lowest level of the gray fog. This height was only more than 400 meters above the ground. If he wasn’t careful, he might collide with the two big guys.
You know, the giant pen immortal and the giant dish immortal are over a hundred meters in size, and combined with their floating height, they are almost close to the gray fog.
Wei Xiaobei took out the fishing line and hook from the storage ring and carefully put the fishing line down.
In fact, Wei Xiaobei was a little too cautious.
Compared to this fierce battlefield, a transparent fishing line with a fishhook hanging down from the gray mist would have no chance of attracting the attention of those pen immortals and dish immortals.
The fishhook quickly touched the ground, and then, under Wei Xiaobei’s urging, it moved towards a small battlefield where the killing was fierce.
This small battlefield is composed of more than thirty Pen Immortals and more than twenty Disk Immortals, plus a large group of strange creatures that change from trees.
But having said that, the two sides are evenly matched.
More than 30 pen immortals and the trees they transformed were unable to take down the more than 20 disc immortals. Instead, the opponent concentrated fire and killed several pen immortals.
Of course, it was precisely because of this battle situation that neither Bixian nor Diexian turned their attention to the few spirit beads that rolled down in the grass.
The fishhook controlled by Wei Xiaobei quietly penetrated into the grass.
However, Wei Xiaobei frowned a little at this time. The reason was simple. The fishhook was not very convenient for dealing with round beads.
Although Wei Xiaobei was very skilled in kung fu, manipulating a fishing line that was hundreds of meters long to hook the beads did require some technical skills.
After several unsuccessful hook attempts, Wei Xiaobei patted his head, feeling a little stupid.
After retracting the fishing line, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand, and shredded meat spurted out, forming a small ball of meat on his left hand.
After the meat ball broke open, a palm-sized octopus emerged from it.
After letting the octopus lie on the hook, Wei Xiaobei threw the fishing line again.
This time, the spirit bead was finally obtained.
The little octopus attached to the fishhook, although it was not in the sea, was still very flexible. With a few tentacles stretched out, it sucked in all the spirit beads. Wei Xiaobei shook it slightly and followed the power coming from the fishing line. , the octopus threw those few spirit beads upward.
/From a distance of more than 400 meters, the rapidly flying spirit beads arrived in the blink of an eye. Wei Xiaobei only had to stretch out his hand

werful that it was unimaginable!

Seeing that the big hand was pressing down, about to crush them, he suddenly promised a meal, and reincarnation opened up immediately, connecting the past and the future, sending the two of them to the distant past!
However, in front of the two of them, the big hand of Luotian still crushed the past time and space, and followed closely behind them. Even if they escaped to the past, they could not get rid of it!
Xu Ying and the Ancestral God were so oppressed that they could hardly breathe. They raised the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and kept slashing at the big hand, but Master Luo’s power seemed to be able to penetrate the past and present, and he still attacked them!
In an instant, Xu and Ying had already fought back to 120 million years ago, but they were still forced to retreat!
Hundreds of millions of years passed by in a flash, and suddenly reincarnation started, and time and space reversed, from hundreds of millions of years in the past to hundreds of millions of years in the future!
“Master Luo, you don’t understand reincarnation, don’t even think about catching up with me!” Xu Ying said with a smile.
Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the void collapse, and the big Luotian hand pressed down violently!
The voice of Master Luo came: “Xu Ying, even if you escape to the past of hundreds of millions of years, to the unknown future, even if you escape into chaos and transform into a vast world, you still can’t avoid my magical power!”
Xu Ying suddenly realized: “His magical power is locked on my soul, soul, spirit, and spirit!”
The two had no choice but to activate the Kaiyuan Divine Axe again, but at this time, Luo Tian’s big hand had already crushed them in front of them.
The two of them struggled to activate the divine axe, their skin almost exploded, and they were pushed backwards under pressure!
At this level of void, even Xu Ying, a great expert in practicing the way of void, is in danger of becoming void!
However, Luo Tian’s big hand still forced them to hit deeper into the void!
The two of them were bleeding, and suddenly their bodies were shaken, and they crashed into the extremely thick amber material, and were about to be crushed. Xu hurriedly used the path of the void to quickly pass through the amber material with the ancestral god!
/“Escape? Where can you escape to?”
The voice of Master Luo came very clearly. Xu Ying looked forward, but saw that behind Luo Tian’s big hand, the face of Master Luo was extremely vast, standing at the end of another universe, with a hazy dream like an ancient god. Feeling!
Suddenly, the two of them felt light, and they immediately felt that the amber substance disappeared, but they continued to fall from the void and fell into the real world.
“Aying, this is not the other side!”
The Ancestral God immediately noticed the difference in the world around him and exclaimed, “We escaped from the void to another universe!”
The face of Master Luo appeared at the other end of the void, and his voice still reached their

de seal pointed directly.

Above the jade seal is the dome of the underground palace, and above it is the mountain of Langxiao Mountain, and above it is the five-color earth altar at the top of the mountain!
That’s where the dojo gathers its strength! It is the place where the luck of Lingfu Island and Langxiao Mountain Dojo condenses!
Who said that a monk’s accidental flash of inspiration or accidental enlightenment cannot be helped by others?
This is not the way of evil spirits, this is the way of fortune!
/The graceful gray-black smoke evaporates and evaporates. From beginning to end, everything is under the pull of the jade seal and under the control of the power of luck in Chu Weiyang’s dojo!
/In the process of passing through the mountain, the power of Feng Shui has been drawn in at the same time, and these vast torrent of memories have been “refined” and “sorted out”.
From the real soul power, the real torrent of memory, to some kind of illusory “inspiration”, integrated into the invisible and formless Taoist luck, and finally turned into some kind of foundation blessing on the cultivators, this kind of Feng Shui is unbearable The purification of power is a step that must be experienced.
Soon, the gray-black smoke and dust, wrapped in a vague and illusory spiritual light, lingered on the top of Langxiao Mountain and hung on the five-color earth altar.
This is also Chu Weiyang’s intention to move the five-color earth altar to the top of the mountain. The altar supports the sky, receives the power of fortune, sorts out the swirling qi, and responds to the harmonious flow, even to the necessary At that time, the foundation of the entire dojo can also be blessed on the five-color earth altar, and Chu Weiyang can be taught how to open the altar, adding 30% more power!
At the same time, Chu Weiyang’s hands holding the jade seal were raised almost straight to the highest point.
Almost at the same time, a dark and secluded spiritual light flew away from the jade seal, and was imprinted on the five-color earth altar in an instant.
In an instant, it was clearly a clear and sunny environment, but suddenly a mountain wind howled, and then, the whimpering wind began to circle on the top of the mountain, with the five-color earth altar as the source of the sky.
Soon, the whimpering wind intensified. At first, the wind was still invisible. Soon, it was carrying the mist and smoke in the rings in all directions. When you look again, it looks like a broad prayer pillar rising from the sky. Drooping, the entire top of Langxiao Mountain is covered in it.
Of course, this kind of mask itself is like some manifestation of the secret and weirdness of the fortune-telling method itself. It occurs naturally, rather than a vision that monks can induce.
At this time, there was no one in the mountains on the island except Chu Weiyang, and no one was watching the grand scene of the hanging sutra building.
In the same place, Chu Weiyang was still sitting on the bed of yellow jade clouds on the evil pond in the underground palac

cannon pounding are disappearing.

At this time, the Three Emperors Cannon was already like a dying butterfly, slowly squirming in the firelight.
Is this really going to fail? ?
The Three Emperors Cannon was about to burn out, and Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel a little regretful.
But at that moment when all the three emperors’ cannons were beaten and burned up, the impulse that Wei Xiaobei had previously suppressed emerged. It was extremely powerful, and the indomitable fist intention appeared, turning into the last flame and rushing into the cooking among skills.
At this moment, Wei Xiaobei felt his mind was shaking.
Countless memories related to cooking surfaced. There was the memory of boiling twelve eggs in an iron pot without telling my parents when I was hungry as a child. After that, I swallowed them deliciously, but then I was so bloated that I couldn’t move in bed. There was the memory of being in the fifth grade of elementary school. At that time, the sausages had just been stuffed at home and had not yet been smoked. I was so greedy that I stole a few joints to have a picnic with my friends on the hilltop mountain in the suburbs.
A big pot of food cooked while serving in the army and helping cook in the cooking class.
During wilderness survival training, I caught a snake and had a feast with a pheasant.
After he was discharged from the army, he worked in Cuihu City. Every day at noon, he spent three yuan to buy a simple lunch, one meat and two vegetables, without even washing the celery leaves.
The instant noodles I ate in the rental house, and the chicken stewed with mushrooms carefully made by Li Lanxing.
That scene was vivid and kept appearing in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.
What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that he seemed to touch something at this moment, but was immediately isolated again, making him couldn’t help but let out a sigh.
After a long time, Wei Xiaobei woke up from this memory. He was not in a hurry to check whether his cooking skills were successfully improved, but felt the magical realm he had touched before for a long time.
This should be what is called Tao in Taoist classics.
There are clouds, the sun and the moon shine by themselves without being burned, the stars sequence by themselves without being arranged, the animals are born by themselves without being made, the wind moves by itself without being fanned, the water moves by itself without being fanned, and so on, all of which cannot be described in detail, they are all like this.
This is what is called Tao.
In today’s terms, this Tao is actually the trajectory of the self-circulation of all things.
/From a materialistic point of view, it is the root of the existence of various things, the four basic forces, molecules, atoms, quarks, Higgs bosons, dark matter, antimatter, nuclear fusion, annihilation reactions, etc. This is the Tao.
The Taoist ancestors said that there are three thousand avenues, all of which become the Dao.
Of course, the so-called “three thousand avenues” does not mean that there are o